2025 Convention Nominees
Diocese of EastonClick through the photos below to read more about our candidates.
Diocesan Council
Diocesan Council carries out the ministry priorities of the annual Diocesan Convention, so is, in effect, our “Convention in recess.” Council meets bi-monthly in Easton; terms are three years. Clergy and laity of the convocations are represented among its membership.
Diocesan Council At Large Clergy
(Vote for One)

The Rev. Carl Mosley
Holy Spirit, Ocean City
Rev. Carl Mosley is currently serving as Priest-in-charge at Church of the Holy Spirit in Ocean City. The move to serve a parish in the Ocean City area comes after serving as Interim Rector of St. Paul’s, Berlin after serving ten years as Priest-in-charge at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Bridgeville, Delaware.
Moving to Ocean City in 2000, Virginia and I found a church home at Church of the Holy Spirit. Answering the call to ordained ministry in 2004, I joined with Dennis Morgan to become the vanguard in an effort by the Diocese to develop a program for the training of Vocational Deacons. This led to a joint ordination at the Church of the Holy Spirit in November of 2007.
Knowing that my call needed further formation, I entered Nashotah House Theological Seminary and their program for distance learning. This was a combination of on-line studies and attendance and participation in seminary classes and the seminary life at “the house” in Nashotah, Wisconsin. Graduating in 2011 with a Master’s in Ministry degree, I was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests in April 2012. After serving several parishes in the Diocese of Easton as a supply priest I began my ministry as Priest-in-charge at St. Mary’s, Bridgeville, DE in February 2013.
During my period of formation and service as a Vocational Deacon at the Church of the Holy Spirit I served on the Constitution and Cannons committee, as a teller and head teller at convention, and chair of the Apportionment Task Force evaluating Diocesan asking. I also served on the Finance Committee for many years prior to my move to the Diocese of Delaware. After returning to the Diocese of Easton, I am again serving as a member of the Finance Committee, and as member of the Listening Committee, and Compensation Committee.
The church and the Diocese are facing many challenges and new opportunities, and I welcome the opportunity to be of continued service to my Bishop and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Rev. Stephanie Clayville
St. Mary's Pocomoke
The Reverend Stephanie (Steph) Clayville was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland and now lives in Snow Hill. She has been married to her husband Brooks for 19 years and just got a new puppy names Luna. She earned a B.A. in Organizational Management and then obtained her Master’s in Business Administration in Technology. Rev. Steph worked in the technology sector, having a successful career for over 25 years before her Ordination to the Priesthood. Over the course of her ministry Rev. Steph co-founded Snow Hill Ecumenical Food Pantry which has since served 1000s of people in need in her community and she also became the 1st women member and president of the Snow Hill Lions Club. She was recently appointed to serve on the Board of Della’s Closet, a non-profit serving underprivileged and foster children in Worcester and Somerset Counties. Rev. Steph attended the newly formed School of the Diaconal in Easton. From 2018-2020 while working full-time, she attended school and interned at St. Peter’s in Salisbury for a year in 2020. Upon Ordination to the Diaconal, Rev. Steph was placed at St. Mary the Virgin in Pocomoke City where she has served over the last four years as Deacon Vicar and responded to her call to the Priesthood. While working full time, she ran the parish, and she attended the newly formed IONA Eastern Shore Seminary. She graduated in June 2024 and presently serves at St. Mary’s as their Rector. She currently serves on the Personnel and Compensation Committee and is looking forward to serving and forwarding the mission of the Diocese of Easton on Diocesan Council.
Diocesan Council At Large Lay
(Vote for One)

Myron Richardson
St. Pauls, Centreville
Myron Richardson grew up in Appomattox, VA. and received a BS in Chemical Engineering at Va Tech. He worked for E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. in the textile industry for 37 years, primarily in the southeastern US with the last 4 years in China. He and his wife, Becky retired to Centreville, MD in 2002 where they continued to enjoy traveling, visiting 92 countries before her death in 2023. Myron has been an active member of St. Paul’s Centreville serving as a Vestry member, Jr. Warden, Sr. Warden, Treasurer and is currently serving as Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Search Committee. Myron has also been active in the Diocese of Easton serving as At-Large-Member of the Trinity Cathedral Chapter, Chair of the Finance Committee, Chair of the Listening Committee, Member of the Diocesan Council (2015-17) and is currently a member of the Finance Committee.

Ruth Vietri-Green
Christ Church, Easton
My name is Ruth Vietri-Green and I’m a teacher in Easton, MD. I’ve been a member of Christ Church Easton since 2021. I’m part of the Children’s Church Sunday School team and a member of our Vestry. I also am privileged to be our volunteer coordinator for Talbot Interfaith Shelter. With so much good energy doing Christ’s work in our local communities, I look forward to getting more involved at the Diocesan level.
Diocesan Council Northern Convocation Lay Rep
Vote for One

Susan Burkholder
Trinity Parish, Elkton
I have been a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Elkton since 2005. I am the current Junior Warden and also serve as a Chalice Bearer. I have 25 years of combined Federal, Regular Army and National Guard experience. I am retired now and have raised 5 children into wonderful adults. I enjoy sports photography as a side job, taking pictures for the high schools and for the local paper; the Cecil Whig. My husband and I spend time outdoors walking and hiking all the local state parks with our two dogs, Bagel and Sambuca.

Sally Rifenburg
Augustine Parish, Chesapeake City
I am a cradle Episcopalian and was baptized almost at birth. My husband, Doug and I, have been married for over 54 years and are blessed to have three children, their spouses, ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren with one on the way. We live in a multi-generational family home; our daughter and her husband, along with their three sons, reside with us in Middletown, DE.
In my adult life, I have enjoyed many careers, among them administrative assistant for a family physician/county coroner, business manager at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Newark, DE under the Diocese of Delaware, general manager for The Kitty Knight House Restaurant and B&B, The Anchorage B&B, loans tax analyst for Citibank, N.A., from which I retired in 2018. I am currently the owner of Rebecca’s Nanny, LLC, a sewing business and teach sewing to children and adults at a local sewing store.
Volunteering has been a large part of my adult years, whether teaching Right to Read to adults, being a homeroom mom, a Girl and Boy Scout leader, or seamstress for high school band and color guard. I have also served as secretary and president of Diamond State Stitchers and secretary, vice president of membership, vice president of operations and two years as the national president of The Smocking Arts Guild of America. I have served on the vestry of St. Thomas, taught in Sunday School, and have been the Educational Director. I serve as the Diocesan Nominating Committee chair person. At Augustine Parish, I have served on the Vestry and as the Senior Warden for the last seven years, four-and-a-half years of which we only had supply clergy on Sundays. I currently serve as the treasurer of St. Monica’s Guild and chair the Altar and Flower Guilds. I believe that my diverse careers and volunteer opportunities have more than prepared me to serve on the Diocesan Council.
Diocesan Council Middle Convocation Lay Rep
Vote for One

Mr. James (Jim) Fitzgerald
Christ Church, Easton
Jim Fitzgerald and his wife Anne recently moved back to Easton after moving away in 2006 and is currently on Vestry . Most recently Jim lived in Dallas. Proud parent of three children and grandparent to 5, Jim was involved in the hospitality industry, as founder of Dauntless Hospitality Advisors and a graduate of Cornell University. Jim was a prior Vestry member at Christ Church.

Mr. C. Eddie Vance
Christ Church, Denton
I am running for Middle Convocation Rep to Diocesan Council. As we begin a time of transition, it is doubly important to have experienced leaders across diocesan offices. My resume of service includes: Christ Church, Denton, since ‘91 (Vestry; choir; lector; EM; Worship Leader; diocon delegate; Pride Fest; Senior Warden); DoE, since ‘92 (Standing Committee/Ecclesiastical Authority; Commission on Ministry; Nominating Committee Chair; Diocesan Council, three terms/four bishops; Integrity; Cathedral Chapter); Province 3, since ‘97 (Executive Committee; P3 Council; Synod Rep; Nominating Committee; Resolutions Committee); General Convention Deputation, since ‘97 (Legislative Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, ‘03-‘24; Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, ‘09-‘15; Joint Standing Committee on Nominations, ‘22-‘24; Senior Deputy; Deputation Chair, ‘15-‘22). Just as weekly worship services, Vestry meetings, General Convention, Executive Council, Diocesan Convention, and House of Bishops, etc, have all resumed as in person gatherings, so should Diocesan Council, Convocation meetings, Standing Committee meetings, Clericus, and the entirety of Easton’s annual conventions. It is essential that we be present, with, to, and for, one another. In person. Sharing meals, parliamentary procedure, resolutions, debates, nominations from the floor, elections w/ write-ins, exhibits, decisions, and fellowship. And, in our particular case, relearning how to agree to disagree without being disagreeable. No more name-calling. No more demonizing. No more petulance. I will work hard, with others, to return this diocese to its former identity as nine counties of proud, observant, and faithful, 21st-Century Episcopalians. Thank you.
Diocesan Council Southern Convoction Clergy Rep
Vote for One

Rev. Susannah Southern
St. Paul’s, Berlin
Rev. Suz Southern has served as the Priest-in-Charge of St. Paul’s Berlin since April 2024 and as Assistant Priest since July 2023 (Assistant to the Interim Rector, Rev. Carl Mosely).
Excited to be back on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and in the Diocese of Easton, Suz+ was baptized, confirmed, married, and ordained as a deacon all at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Salisbury. She has been married to her husband Dave for five years, also an Eastern shore native. Dave is a professional woodworker by trade, owning his own business: David Southern Designs, specializing in custom furniture and historic restoration. Suz+ graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland Baltimore County with a BA in Environmental Studies/Gender and Women’s Studies, and a minor in music. She completed her Masters of Divinity at the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee and was ordained to the priesthood in June 2023. She is also an alumna of the Episcopal Service Corps where she served for a program year in Baltimore, MD.
Suz+ believes that serving at the diocesan level is a way to give back to a community which formed her as a Christian and now as an ordained person and she is excited to have the opportunity to run for Diocesan Council. Particularly, in a time of transition with an upcoming bishop search and discernment period, Suz+ is passionate about coming together with others to rally around a cause – where all can come to the table with their experiences, knowledge, and expertise to do the work that God has called us to do. Go in peace and thank you for voting!
The Standing Committee’s principal ministry is to be a council of advice for the bishop. There are six members, all elected at-large at the annual Convention. In the event there is no bishop, the Standing Committee becomes the ecclesiastical authority. Among its other ministries is to assure a candidate for holy orders has fully met all the canonical requirements, to give or withhold approval for transfer of real property by congregations, and to consent or not to the elections of bishops in all other dioceses of The Episcopal Church.
Standing Committee At Large Clergy
Vote for One

The Very Rev. Greg Powell
Trinity Cathedral, Easton
I entered the Diocese of Easton in 1999 and have since served two congregations—St. Mary’s in Pocomoke and Trinity Cathedral in Easton. I have served in almost every diocesan position in the four dioceses in which I have resided: Colorado, Tennessee, West Texas, and Easton since my ordination in 1993. I’ve served beside three bishops inside Bray House (Shand, Parsley, Marray) and four Canons to the Ordinary (Cook, Nestlehutt, Collins, Dragone).

The Rev. Michael Lokey
St. Paul’s Coventry Parish, Marion Station
I have been a priest in the Diocese of Easton for the past twenty two years. I have served several parishes in that time, but the last twenty have been at St. Paul’s Marion Station.
I have served two terms on the Diocesan Council and am the current chair of the Diocesan Property Committee. I feel that my service on the Standing Committee of the Diocese would fit with the skill set needed to take us forward into a new future.
I stand ready to move us forward.
Standing Committee At Large Clergy
to finish Rev Steve Mosher’s term. One year is left.
Vote for One

The Rev. Patrick Collins
Interim Christ Church, Easton
The Rev. Patrick Collins has been a clergy member of the Diocese of Easton since 2016. He currently serves as the Interim Rector of Christ Church, Easton. Prior to that he was the Vicar of All Faith Chapel, Tunis Mills and the Canon to the Ordinary. During his time here he has been elected as a Deputy, or Alternate Deputy to General Convention, three times and has served on or administratively supported multiple committees, task forces and initiatives within the diocese.

The Rev. Charlotte Meyer
Old Wye, Wye Mills
I was a lifelong member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Trappe, where I served on the Vestry and as Senior Warden. This wonderful parish sponsored me on my incredible journey towards ordination. I graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in May of 2024 and was ordained to the priesthood in June. While I am new to the ordained ministry, I am not new to providing a leadership ministry in the Diocese of Easton. I have served as our UTO Coordinator for many years, a liaison for our Diocesan ECW, and am also Chair of our Diocesan Fund for Grant Initiatives. I will soon complete an intensive course on Transition Ministry while continuing my current work as Curate and Assistant Priest Wye Parish.
Standing Committee At Large Lay
Vote for One

Mrs. Lisa Hartge Sabetti
Shrewsbury Parish, Kennedyville
Born in Salisbury and raised in the United Methodist church, Lisa was confirmed in the Episcopal Church in 2008 in the Diocese of Maryland.
She has been a loyal and faithful member of Shrewsbury Parish since 2010 and is highly active in parish life. She lives in the Shrewsbury rectory with her spouse, the Rev. Henry Sabetti and their 2 dogs, 5 cats, chickens, turkeys and many English Spot rabbits. Lisa has been employed by Johns Hopkins Medicine since 1992 as Practice Administrator for one of their largest multi-specialty practices. She is a Registered Nurse and graduated from the University of Maryland with a BSN. She has assisted countless individuals in navigating the often complex medical world.
Lisa was formerly a Vestry member at Christ Church, West River in Anne Arundel County, where she raised her two daughters, one of whom is married and has three children. Lisa is a proud mom and grandmother to three growing boys. She is a devoted runner and values health and fitness and is committed to daily prayer and meditation.
She has been a member of the Community Advisory Team at her alma mater Anne Arundel High School, focusing on the Signature Program and its mission to promote Community Development/Global Citizenship. She was a co-founder of the Anne Arundel Homeless Resource Day
Lisa seeks to create an inclusive, supportive environment that embodies love, tolerance, peace and justice. She has a great love for the Eastern Shore and the Diocese of Easton and hopes to be of service on the Standing Committee during a time of transition and change in the life of the Church and the diocese.

Mrs. Debra Dragone
St. Clements, Massey
Deb Dragone is a cradle Episcopalian and has attended Saint Clement’s Church in Massey since Baptism. She has contributed to the congregation in many areas: Senior Warden, Registrar, Treasurer, Vestry member, and Bible School teacher- notwithstanding being the organist since the age of 12!
She has been active at the diocesan level for decades, beginning as delegate of convention and as teller during the episcopate of Bishop Martin Townsend. She has been secretary to annual convention, finance chair and has served two terms on Diocesan Council. She is currently the Fund Administrator for Easton Episcopal Funds and has been a member of the Board of Managers for several terms. Over the past few years, she has also been a member of the Committee for Resolutions for Debate. She has supported Camp Wright ministry as an advisory board member and helped with their bookkeeping and finances during those years.
Deb is an active CPA licensed in Maryland with a BS in Math and MS in Accounting. After many years in the private sector in both managerial and financial positions culminating as president in a small company, she transitioned to giving back by teaching 20 years in the Accounting & MIS Department at the University of Delaware. She retired in September as Associate Chair and Senior Instructor. Retired but still giving back, she continues to teach a course each spring developed by her called Community Audits. Ten accounting sophomores will perform the annual financial audits for up to 20 parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware this spring and summer. (Up from 13 last year!) During the fall she co-teaches a survey accounting course to guide sophomores in their career search.
My calling is to give back each day for the bounty and grace God has given me. At this juncture in my life, I’m serving and facilitating in the Diocese of Delaware and loving the interaction with our Latino congregation at St. Clement’s. I believe that I would be an asset to Standing Committee with my past managerial experience, my financial acumen and the years spent serving in the diocese and experience with small parish ministry. Ultimately, we are here to serve Christ in our congregations and communities to the fullest of our means.
Deb is married to John for 40 plus years and currently has two Golden Retrievers “Gretl” and “Hamish” with hardy genes and good Eastern Shore lineage!!
Established on March 31, 2010, the Easton Episcopal Fund of the Diocese of Easton is an investment fund available to parishes and other diocesan entities. Under the direction of the Board of Managers this fund provides professionally-managed, cost-efficient and risk-controlled investment that allows its investors to focus on their primary missions of worship, outreach, and maintenance of the parish and the diocese. You can view their website here. The Bishop serves as Chair to the Board of Managers.
Board of Managers Class of 2028
Vote for Two

Debra Dragone
St. Clement's, Massey
Deb Dragone is a cradle Episcopalian and has attended Saint Clement’s Church in Massey since Baptism. She has contributed to the congregation in many areas: Senior Warden, Registrar, Treasurer, Vestry member, and Bible School teacher- notwithstanding being the organist since the age of 12!
She has been active at the diocesan level for decades, beginning as delegate of convention and as teller during the episcopate of Bishop Martin Townsend. She has been secretary to annual convention, finance chair and has served two terms on Diocesan Council. She is the Fund Administrator for Easton Episcopal Funds and member of the Board of Managers for several terms. Recently, she has also been a member of the Committee for Resolutions for Debate. She has supported Camp Wright ministry as an advisory board member and helped with their finances during those years.
Deb is an active CPA licensed in Maryland with a BS in Math and MS in Accounting. After many years in the private sector in both managerial and financial positions culminating as president in a small company, she transitioned to giving back by teaching 20 years in the Accounting & MIS Department at the University of Delaware. She retired in September as Associate Chair and Senior Instructor. Retired but still giving back, she continues to teach a course each spring developed by her called Community Audits. Ten accounting sophomores will perform the annual financial audits for up to 20 parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware this spring and summer. (Up from 13 parishes last year!) During the fall she co-teaches a survey accounting course to guide sophomores in their career search.
My three year term is up for the Board of Managers and am asking the delegates to consider me for another term. As Fund Administrator, I daily monitor the fund in coordination with the Vice Chair and aid our parishes when needed.
My calling is to give back each day for the bounty and grace God has given me. At this juncture in my live, I’m serving and facilitating in the Diocese of Delaware and loving the interaction with our Latino congregation at St. Clement’s. Ultimately, we are here to serve Christ in our congregations and communities to the fullest of our means.
Deb is married to John for 40 plus years and currently has two Golden Retrievers “Gretl” and “Hamish” with hardy genes and good Eastern Shore lineage!!

Diane Robinson
Christ Church, Cambridge
Diane is a Senior Vice President at Federated Hermès Inc, a money manager based in Pittsburgh, Pa. Diane joined Federated in 2004 after working at First Pennsylvania Bank, Corestates, SEI, PNC Bank and Maxwell Consulting. Diane lives on the water in Cambridge, Maryland and is a member of Christ Episcopal Church. She has an MBA from the Fox School at Temple University and graduate from Mt. Holyoke College, where she majored in Latin.
Board of Managers Class of 2026
Position Open for Bill Shettle’s Seat

Ray Munsch
Holy Trinity, Oxford
Education: BS, Economics, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School); MBA, Finance, University of Virginia (Darden School). Military: Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, 3½ years active duty. Professional Experience: Investment Manager, over course of 40 years served as portfolio manager for institutional investment accounts such as those of Fortune 500 companies, state and local government retirement systems, endowments, mutual funds and private accounts.