2020 Nominees for March 7th Election
Click on the tabs below to read the bio submitted by each of our candidates. Nominees were also asked to answer the following question: What is your vision for the church?
Diocesan Council – Northern Convocation Rep, Clergy – Darcy Williams
The Rev. Dr. Darcy Williams, Emmanuel Chestertown
I have been at Emmanuel since graduating from seminary and being ordained in 2013. I have served as curate, associate rector, priest-in-charge and rector over these almost 7 years. On the diocesan level, I served on Diocesan Council (2013-16), on Standing Committee (2016-2019), on Constitution and Canons Committee (2015-2019), and on Finance Committee (2016-present). Before attending seminary, I was an active member of St, Mary Anne’s, North East for more than 25 years, where I served on vestry, as senior warden, as chair of the Finance Committee, and as a Eucharistic Minister and Visitor. I am honored to be asked to serve as the Northern Convocation clergy representative to Diocesan Council for the next three years.
Diocesan Council – Southern Convocation Rep, Lay – John Phillips
I was born in Salisbury, MD into the St. Peter’s family as a cradle Episcopalian where I was baptised, confirmed, and married. I am the father of two adult sons and a grandfather to one large granddog. My formal education was at the McDonogh School, the University of Richmond and the Sorbonne in Paris. Returning to the states after a year and a half abroad I taught school for two years in Portsmouth, VA. Then returned to Salisbury where I had a career for 43 years in real estate sales. Currently I am semi-retired and manage a few rentals.
Upon returning to St. Peters and immersing myself in parish life my faith and christian walk were nurtured, grew, and continue to grow through the many roles in which I serve and enjoy and through my diocesan work. I have headed the youth groups, been involved with our former boy scout troop, taught confirmation classes, ushered, served on the vestry and was the registrar. I am a devoted member of our choir, a licensed eucharistic minister, lay reader, and eucharistic visitor. I’ve started a small interdenominational bible study group and serve on the Green Hill Church preservation\restoration committee. I am currently a delegate to the convention from my parish (having served in that capacity and as an alternate variety of times). I have been on the diocesan council previously both as a southern convocation and at-large representative.
Serving this diocese has been a privilege, a tremendous learning experience, and a faith builder. The Bishop has challenged us to be a prayer-centered church and a mission shaped diocese. This work has begun and is exciting though daunting in some ways. However, through faith, a commitment to prayer, worship, and outreach, we can grow and strengthen our diocese, but we must do it together. As children of God and with the Holy Spirit guiding us we will be sharing Christ’s gospel and following in Jesus footsteps though let us realize it will take time and consistency.
Diocesan Council – Middle Convocation Rep, Lay – Mary (Meezi) Goodwin
Mary “Meezi” Goodwin is the Senior Warden at All Faith Chapel in Tunis Mills. Before being the Senior Warden, she served as Junior Warden for two years. She was confirmed by bishop Henry Parsley about 4 years ago. She is a nurse, specializing in the operating room, particularly in orthopedics, who loves to travel when she gets the opportunity.
My vision of the Church includes three things: 1. I would like to see us increase our membership. 2. I want to see us engage more with our local communities. 3. The Church has been there for me during the good times and through the bad times of my life – I want the Church to be the place where everyone can find God.
Diocesan Council – At-Large Rep, Lay – David Mitchell
The question posed is my vision of the church: It can only be meaningful to the world when it practices the principle that all are welcome and equal at the table of God. Superficial differences have no bearing when we worship. Our efforts are invalid if it is otherwise.
I m a 74 year old retired man who cherishes his wife and family. My time is devote some to my church community at St. Alban’s in the Southern Convocation, my family of three children and five grands, my community at large, and to myself as I seek to remain healthy in spirit, mind and muscle.
Diocesan Council – At-Large Rep, Clergy – Rob Laws
Father Rob has been the rector of St. Andrew’s, Princess Anne since 2013. He has previously served the diocese as a member of Diocesan Council and as a member of the Disaster Preparedness Committee. He currently serves on the Disciplinary Committee and is Vice Chair of the Bishop’s Committee for St. Paul’s Episcopal Center, Hebron.
In addition to a M. Div, Father Rob has a Masters in Religious Education and a D. Min in Christian Spirituality. His D. Min thesis focused on the Spirituality of St. Claire of Assisi, and her prayer of gazing. In addition to spirituality, he is interested in liturgy, music and arts (especially icons), eco-theology, and social justice issues. When not at church, you can often find him in the gym, an art gallery or planning his family’s next travel adventure.
Province 3 Synod Rep, Lay – Jane Morgan

I live in Salisbury and worship at St. Paul’s, Vienna and St. Mary’s, Tyaskin. That puts me and my husband The Rev. Dennis Morgan in both the Middle and Southern Convocations. I share with others in our small congregations the ministries of Lay Eucharistic Minister and Visitor, Altar Guild, coffee hour prep, Community outreach and bulletin proofreading and stapling.
It is important that we in our parishes do not become isolated. To that end, I have been a volunteer receptionist at Bray House in Easton for over ten years, have served on Diocesan Council, Trinity Cathedral Chapter, Hillsboro Retreat House Advisory Circle, Province 3 Synod Representative, and as a General Convention Deputy.
The Province, the link between The Episcopal Church and the dioceses, does much to prepare us for General Convention. Although I am not running for General Convention, I remain a deputy until the beginning gavel of GC 2021. Keeping abreast of issues is especially important since the next GC is the summer of 2021 in Baltimore.
My vision for the church is being a place or opportunity to explore our relationship with our Lord Jesus. This takes many forms, some which we may not have discovered yet. Therefore, we must recognize that previous models for the church may no longer work, and we should be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to help us discern a spiritual balance between the “old” and the newly revealed.
Province 3 Synod Rep, Lay - Kathy Wise

I have been a clinical social worker for over 50 years, working as a family therapist, and before retiring, as the program administrator for home visiting and school based heath prevention programs. After being a widow for 16 years, I remarried eleven years ago, and my husband, Doug Ridley, and I are enjoying sharing family events with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, travel opportunities, and participating together in church and community activities.
As the chair of our Stewardship Committee, I have been inviting parishioners to share each Sunday what they celebrate about our church, and about where they see God at work in our life together. I believe that as we recognize and practice sharing with one another at church where God is at work in our lives, we become more comfortable sharing our faith stories beyond the church walls. My vision for the Church and for the Diocese is to see growing opportunities at the Diocesan level, and within and between our individual churches, for equipping our members to become more comfortable and more skilled at sharing their faith stories with one another. As we learn to do this with fellow believers, we will become better able to share our stories of Jesus’ love and grace in our families, in our work places, and in the communities where we live, being Light and salt throughout the Shore. Caring for the business of our churches and the Diocese is important; “equipping the saints” is essential!
Province 3 Synod Rep, Lay - Tim Strack

I am a member of Christ Church Denton who serves as a Jr. Warden, Vestry Member, Moring Prayer Worship Leader, and as a Eucharistic Minister. I served as a Delegate to Convention in 2018, 2019, and 2020 and as an Alternate in 2017. I actively volunteer to help update the Diocesan website. I enjoy being involved in my community. At Christ Church Denton I started a monthly Game Night, open to the public, where families and individuals can come play board games.
I grew up on Kent Island and now live in Denton with my husband, Alex, and our 9 pets: 2 horses, 4 potbelly pigs, 2 dogs, and 1 cat. I work full-time in Information Security for a Big Data company. I began working in Information Security in 2007 but started in the greater Information Technology industry in 2000.
It would be an honor to serve my Diocese at the Province 3 Synod.
Question: What is your vision for the church?
In short, and in the words of our Presiding Bishop, to be “The Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement”. I see a world around us with many challenges: aggression towards our neighbors instead of love, a mental health crisis, gun violence, an opioid epidemic, and so much more. My vision for the church is to be an outreach church…to actively work in whatever ways we can to heal this world while also spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We must work to bring people back to a way of love instead of aggression. A way of compassion for those who need help instead of pushing them away or forgetting about them. To get outside the physical church and heal this world as “The Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement”.
Province 3 Synod Rep, Clergy – Rob Laws

In addition to a M. Div, Father Rob has a Masters in Religious Education and a D. Min in Christian Spirituality. His D. Min thesis focused on the Spirituality of St. Claire of Assisi, and her prayer of gazing. In addition to spirituality, he is interested in liturgy, music and arts (especially icons), eco-theology, and social justice issues. When not at church, you can often find him in the gym, an art gallery or planning his family’s next travel adventure.
Province 3 Synod Rep, Clergy – Mary Garner

I am the rector of St. Paul’s Parish in Centreville in the Northern Convocation. I graduated from Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2006. I served extensively as supply clergy in the Diocese of Easton from 2008 to 2009 and as Associate Rector at Christ Church, St. Michael’s from 2009-2012. While chaplain at Heron Point, I served as the sabbatical rector at St. Paul’s and became rector in 2016. I serve on various boards, including the Corporation and am on the Standing Committee. I am passionate about social justice and mission. My vision of the church is that it is the love of Christ embodied in open doors, open hearts and hands opened in service to those in need, nourishing all with the bread of life and the cup of salvation.
Standing Committee, Lay – Kaitlin Horvath

Standing Committee, Lay – Tom Shuster
Tom Shuster has been a member of St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Ocean City since 1998. Tom has been an active member at St. Paul’s having previously completed two terms on the Vestry and served as Senior Warden for two years. Tom has also served the parish as Chairman of the Finance Committee. He is also a licensed Eucharistic Minister.
Tom became an active member of the Demolition and Reconstruction Team (DART) that oversaw the repairs to the damaged parts of the church and construction to replace portions of the church campus that were lost in the fire of November 2014. The new building was completed and dedicated by Bishop Marray in April 2018.
Tom has been active in the Diocese of Easton having served on the 150th Anniversary Committee and as a member of the Diocesan Search and Nominations Committee for the 11th Bishop of Easton. He has also been a Delegate and Alternate to the Diocesan Convention.
He has been a member of the Diocesan Council since 2017. He was elected a Deputy to the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church and attended the convention in Austin, Texas in July of 2018. Tom is currently serving on the Constitution and Canons Task Force.
Tom is retired from employment with the Town of Ocean City where he served as Director of Recreation and Parks for 16 years. Tom and his wife Debbie live in West Ocean City and have two adult sons.
“My vision for our church is to build up modern day apostles that live into our Christian faith here on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. I see that we are called to love and serve our neighbor with an open hand and caring heart, remembering always that we are all God’s children. I pray that we may fulfill that vision by each of us accepting our mission call and embracing God’s grace in every minute of every day of our lives.”
Standing Committee, Clergy – Henry Sabetti
Rector of Shrewsbury Parish, Kennedyville and Northern Convocation Dean
Greetings in the name of God to the people of the Diocese of Easton,
With great enthusiasm and honor, I am standing for election to the Standing Committee. In September I will have completed 10 years as Rector of Shrewsbury and 6 years as Northern Convocation Dean. My ordination was in the Diocese of Maryland, where I served as a Curate and later as a Rector. I also was blessed to serve for three years in the rural Diocese of Western Kansas as a behavioral healthcare chaplain for adolescents in residential treatment. My spouse Lisa and I live in the Shrewsbury rectory with our 2 dogs and 6 cats. For 20 years I have been a member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association raising and showing English Spot Rabbits. I am an avid runner and Head Coach of the Kent County High School Cross Country Team. Go Trojans!
Continuing to have a wonderful parish ministry at Shrewsbury has led to my participation on the Commission on Ministry, the Department of Missions, the Diocesan Recovery Committee, assistance with the facilitation of our newest Mission, La Sagrada Familia de Jesus and most recently the very fine Sacred Places Training.
My desire is to fully and actively serve as a member of the Standing Committee, which in tandem with the Bishop is the ecclesiastical authority of the diocese. While we as a diocese have made great strides under the leadership of our current Bishop, it will be important to continue to prayerfully discern and dialogue those issues before us as the people of God and those issues which will be in our future.
Though the Church is in the midst of great change and attendance at Christian worship is significantly less than previous generations, I believe the Church is best understood as “the Church in the world,” active in ministry, mission, social justice and bringing the Good News of God in Christ beyond our traditional structures and settings. I am a proud member of “Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement” and would be honored to have your support.
Standing Committee, Clergy - Bernie Schroeder
The Reverend Canon Bernie Schroeder was called to be Priest-in-Charge of Christ Episcopal Church on Easter Day, 2018. Before that, Father Bernie served as an Intern and Deacon at two yoked churches in the Northern Neck of Virginia, Trinity and St. Mary’s Whitechapel, from July 2013 through December 2014. He then served as Interim Rector at St. Patrick’s, Falls church, Virginia from February 2015 through September 2016. After that, Father Bernie served as Interim Rector of St. Thomas’ in McLean, Virginia from November 2016 through December 2017.
Father Bernie attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary and graduated with a Master of Arts in Ministry in 2009. He was ordained to the Diaconate on August 2,2014 by The Rt. Rev. Shannon Johnston, Bishop of Virginia, at Grace Episcopal Church in Alexandria, Virginia. He was ordained to the priesthood on February 14, 2015 by The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff, Bishop Suffragan of Virginia, at Grace Episcopal church in Kilmarnock, Virginia.
On July 15, 2016, Fr. Bernie was made Canon to the Diocese of El Salvador for International Relations by The Rt. Rev. Juan David Alvarado, Bishop of El Salvador.
Before entering Holy Orders, Fr. Bernie had a long and distinguished career in Washington, DC in politics, government and business. He served as Chief of Staff to a United States congressman, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for a major utility and he retired as President and Chief Operating Officer of yet another utility.
Besides his seminary degree, Father Bernie hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Michigan State University. He is a veteran of the United States Army, holds licenses as a pilot and sea captain and is an accomplished folk guitarist.
Father Bernie and Carol, his wife of 50 years, split their time between their principal residence in Chestertown and the Rectory. Their son, Paul, lives with his family in Rockville, Maryland.
Board of Managers, Lay – Ron Geesey
Ron is a member of All Hallows Parish, in Snow Hill, where he is on the Vestry and is Chairman of the Finance Committee. He had a long and varied career in the banking industry, with many key assignments for Citibank in Europe. He was president of Citicorp Financial in Baltimore for 7 years and after retiring in 1996, he was a consultant to Citigroup on European Union matters.
Ron has been very active in community affairs and has served on many boards, including the Walters Art Gallery, the Baltimore Opera Company, the Kennedy Krieger Institute, Goucher College, and the University of Maryland Medical School.
Ron received his A.B. from Lafayette College and has a Masters in Public Affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton.
Board of Managers, Lay – Bill Shettle

General Convention Deputation, Lay - Tom Shuster
Tom Shuster has been a member of St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Ocean City since 1998. Tom has been an active member at St. Paul’s having previously completed two terms on the Vestry and served as Senior Warden for two years. Tom has also served the parish as Chairman of the Finance Committee. He is also a licensed Eucharistic Minister.
Tom became an active member of the Demolition and Reconstruction Team (DART) that oversaw the repairs to the damaged parts of the church and construction to replace portions of the church campus that were lost in the fire of November 2014. The new building was completed and dedicated by Bishop Marray in April 2018.
Tom has been active in the Diocese of Easton having served on the 150th Anniversary Committee and as a member of the Diocesan Search and Nominations Committee for the 11th Bishop of Easton. He has also been a Delegate and Alternate to the Diocesan Convention.
He has been a member of the Diocesan Council since 2017. He was elected a Deputy to the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church and attended the convention in Austin, Texas in July of 2018. Tom is currently serving on the Constitution and Canons Task Force.
Tom is retired from employment with the Town of Ocean City where he served as Director of Recreation and Parks for 16 years. Tom and his wife Debbie live in West Ocean City and have two adult sons.
“My vision for our church is to build up modern day apostles that live into our Christian faith here on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. I see that we are called to love and serve our neighbor with an open hand and caring heart, remembering always that we are all God’s children. I pray that we may fulfill that vision by each of us accepting our mission call and embracing God’s grace in every minute of every day of our lives.”
General Convention Deputation, Lay - Eddie Vance

I moved from Baltimore to Ridgely, Caroline County, August, 1989. Peggy & I were married at Christ Church, Denton, December, 1991. Our son, Ely (“Eli”), was born at Easton Hospital, December, 1993. Ely was baptized, raised, and confirmed at Christ Church.
And next month, I am pleased to say that I will begin my 12th year at Queen Anne’s County Library, Centreville, where I work at the circulation desk.
In 28-1/2 years at Christ Church, I have served in many capacities, on Vestry, in the choir, as an EM, a lector, a Eucharistic Visitor, a Worship Leader, a delegate to Diocesan Convention, with the county jail ministry, on the annual community Thanksgiving dinner steering committee, and as Senior Warden.
My diocesan service has included Diocesan Council (VP), Commission on Ministry, Standing Committee, Department of Mission, Camp Agape, Search & Nominations Committee for Bishop XI, Province 3 Synod Rep, General Convention Deputation (Chair), Province 3 Council, Cathedral Chapter, Integrity, TACL, and Nominating Committee (Chair).
I have been active on Province 3’s Nominating Committee (Chair), on P3’s Executive Committee, and have attended two, Provincial Leadership Conferences.
At six General Conventions, I have served on the Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Legislative Committee.
And I was appointed to served a 6-year term on TEC’s Standing Commission on Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations, ‘09-‘15.
I ask humbly to serve on Easton’s Deputation to General Convention ‘21, in Baltimore, and also to offer cheerfully my experience as a servant leader and as an enthusiastic and willing team player.
My vision for the church involves radical and unqualified invitation, welcome, inclusion, hospitality, and service, loving as God loves, mutual accountability for all, respectful and well-ordered debate, a la General Convention, agreeing to disagree without being disagreeable, and quiet confidence in the myriad gifts of one another, as well as in the gift both to ourselves and to the world that is the Episcopal Church, small but mighty, where Christ is proclaimed by word and deed, and all are welcome!
General Convention Deputation, Lay - John Phillips
I was born in Salisbury, MD into the St. Peter’s family as a cradle Episcopalian where I was baptised, confirmed, and married. I am the father of two adult sons and a grandfather to one large granddog. My formal education was at the McDonogh School, the University of Richmond and the Sorbonne in Paris. Returning to the states after a year and a half abroad I taught school for two years in Portsmouth, VA. Then returned to Salisbury where I had a career for 43 years in real estate sales. Currently I am semi-retired and manage a few rentals.
Upon returning to St. Peters and immersing myself in parish life my faith and christian walk were nurtured, grew, and continue to grow through the many roles in which I serve and enjoy and through my diocesan work. I have headed the youth groups, been involved with our former boy scout troop, taught confirmation classes, ushered, served on the vestry and was the registrar. I am a devoted member of our choir, a licensed eucharistic minister, lay reader, and eucharistic visitor. I’ve started a small interdenominational bible study group and serve on the Green Hill Church preservation\restoration committee. I am currently a delegate to the convention from my parish (having served in that capacity and as an alternate variety of times). I have been on the diocesan council previously both as a southern convocation and at-large representative.
Serving this diocese has been a privilege, a tremendous learning experience, and a faith builder. The Bishop has challenged us to be a prayer-centered church and a mission shaped diocese. This work has begun and is exciting though daunting in some ways. However, through faith, a commitment to prayer, worship, and outreach, we can grow and strengthen our diocese, but we must do it together. As children of God and with the Holy Spirit guiding us we will be sharing Christ’s gospel and following in Jesus footsteps though let us realize it will take time and consistency.
General Convention Deputation, Lay - Charlotte "Peaches" Meyer

I envision a Church that empowers and supports its clergy and members to see themselves as integral to the success of the Jesus Movement. We are all, collectively, the solution to healing a hurtling world, caring for God’s Creation, strengthening all levels of Church formation, and attracting and stewarding all people who seek a loving and safe place to begin anew in an affirming environment.
Born, raised, and christened in Trappe, I am a confirmed member of St. Paul’s Church, White Marsh Parish. As I deepened my relationship with the Church in the last 10 years, I’ve served as St. Paul’s Senior Warden, Treasurer, and Registrar. I also enjoy serving as Eucharistic Minister, Reader and Usher. At the Diocesan level, I am the Chair for the Diocesan Fund for Church Initiatives (middle convocation representative since 2012). I serve as your United Thank Offering Co-Coordinator with Mary Helen Atwood (also since 2012). I’ve been privileged to serve as your ECW Representative at Province III Synod gatherings, ECW Annual Meetings and enjoyed attending the last three Triennials at General Convention. And, if elected, I’m looking forward to in the serving as a Chapter Member at Large for Trinity Cathedral.
My background includes more than 34 years as a fund raising professional for Ocean Conservancy, a national nonprofit in Washington, DC that is dedicated to protecting our ocean for future generations. What makes that career meaningful to me is connecting people to what they love and empowering them to do more than they ever imagined they could. I believe the pathway for fostering those connections is grounded in authenticity, gratitude, and a willingness to listen and learn.
I am fascinated by and drawn to the organizational structure and governance of our National Episcopal Church and have yearned for an opportunity to participate in General Convention. Listening to, watching, and learning from the experiences and commitment of previous Clergy Representatives and Lay Deputies is moving and exciting. My desire to participate in this governmental process where important bodies of work shape our church formation and spiritual life has only deepened with time. If elected as one of your General Convention Deputies, I will fully engage in all aspects of the General Convention, look for ways to bring our Diocesan successes to others as roadmaps for positive change, listen for opportunities to bring home the gifts of new ideas and solutions to the challenges we face here at home. Thank you for your consideration!
General Convention Deputation, Lay - Mary Grace "MG" Brosius

I’ve been a member of Emmanuel Church, Chester Parish for over a year, where I sing in the choir. I’m a member of the Chester River Chorale, and two of its sub-groups, which keeps me very busy, so I’ve not yet taken on any further responsibilities at Emmanuel. I moved from Baltimore to the Shore, when I reconnected with – and married – my first “boyfriend,” Jack in late 2007. We have two dogs – and a dozen kayaks of various types, some of which I paddle when the weather’s nice. Jack, a member of the 1972 U.S. Olympic team, now finds himself coaching 3 Special Olympics sports: power lifting, swimming and, you guessed it, kayaking!
I transferred to Emmanuel from St. Paul, Kent, which was my parish for the first 10 years following my move to Chestertown. While at St. Paul’s, I sang in the choir and served as Eucharistic Minister, Reader, Acolyte(!), Vestry member, Junior Warden – and Delegate to Diocesan Convention four times.
Before my “big move” across the Bay, I was a member for 25+ years at the Church of the Messiah, Baltimore, where I served on Vestry a total of 12 years, and as Delegate to Diocesan Convention – as well as the liturgical assistant positions listed above. I have served on six Diocese of Maryland Cursillo weekend teams (and a 7th while living here, in 2010), as well as on Secretariat.
Most people here know me as a recently-retired Dental Assistant (which position was a God-sent 10-year opportunity to learn totally new skills!). I still see myself, however, as the Parish Administrator who, for 20 years, supported and worked with the Dean of the Cathedral of the Incarnation as it grew from near-mission status to a thriving parish. The Cathedral was dedicated to spreading the Word of God through hands-on outreach – including welcoming and incorporating immigrants into the life and leadership of the community, rehabbing dilapidated houses through Sandtown Habitat for Humanity (West Baltimore), and creating The Children’s Peace Center (where at-risk city youth learned nonviolent ways to deal with frustration and anger).
My vision for the church? I’m not sure I have one. I see more a vision OF the church – multicultural, multigenerational, multilingual, all-inclusive. Each person [he/she/they] is an integral part of the awesome diversity of The Episcopal Church. The more formal music which I’ve loved for so many years exists side-by-side with Hispanic, African, and Native American chants and harmonies, as well as theologically-sound praise music. There are children who feel safe and comfortable and wanted.
How do we accomplish that? Frankly, I don’t know. I DO know we must be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the most powerful tool we each have; corporate and individual prayer empowers the Jesus Movement. And I’d like to witness that happening.
General Convention Deputation, Lay - Kathy Wise

As a member of Great Choptank Parish,Christ Episcopal Church, Cambridge, in the Middle Convocation, I have served in many roles – both in my own church and in positions in the Diocese of Easton. I have loved opportunities to be a Eucharistic Minister and Worship Leader, a member of a shared-leadership Bible Study group, a delegate to Diocesan Convention, a Vestry member, Senior Warden, and part of our parish Search Committees. In the Diocese, I have been a Deputy to four, and an alternate to two General Conventions, served on the Standing Committee, the Commission on Ministry, the Youth Task Force, as a Consultant to churches for Mutual Ministry Reviews and Search Committees, and most recently as the Co-Chair of the Transition Committee for the election of Bishop Marray.
I have been a clinical social worker for over 50 years, working as a family therapist, and before retiring, as the program administrator for home visiting and school based heath prevention programs. After being a widow for 16 years, I remarried eleven years ago, and my husband, Doug Ridley, and I are enjoying sharing family events with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, travel opportunities, and participating together in church and community activities.
As the chair of our Stewardship Committee, I have been inviting parishioners to share each Sunday what they celebrate about our church, and about where they see God at work in our life together. I believe that as we recognize and practice sharing with one another at church where God is at work in our lives, we become more comfortable sharing our faith stories beyond the church walls. My vision for the Church and for the Diocese is to see growing opportunities at the Diocesan level, and within and between our individual churches, for equipping our members to become more comfortable and more skilled at sharing their faith stories with one another. As we learn to do this with fellow believers, we will become better able to share our stories of Jesus’ love and grace in our families, in our work places, and in the communities where we live, being Light and salt throughout the Shore. Caring for the business of our churches and the Diocese is important; “equipping the saints” is essential!
General Convention Deputation, Lay - Jim Kamihachi

I am a member of St. Mark’s Church in Perryville, at the edge of the Northern Convocation. It’s a wonderful, small church with an inclusive Christian community and well-worth a visit. Currently, I am a deacon-in-training, Chairman of the Diversity Awareness Commission, and a member of the Constitution and Canons Committee. I am a past member of the Commission on Ministry.
As Christians, we are called to be living examples of God’s love and an antidote to the divisiveness in our country and the world. The future of the Episcopal church lies in service to communities outside church walls, extending ourselves to people who are not like us, just as Jesus did.
My wife and son and I live in Elkton. We also have two daughters and six grandchildren. We lived in Alexandria, VA for 25 years, where our daughters attended the Episcopal diocese school. I am a three-generation Episcopalian on my father’s side, though I fell into the Church after our marriage in 1980. Bud Shand married us and baptized our daughters; he has many stories to tell.
Bishop San reassigned me to St. Mark’s last March, and since then I have assisted in nearly every Sunday service, occasionally leading Morning Prayer. I also help give out food to the needy at the monthly church food pantry, and I continue to assist Fr. John Schaeffer at his 12-step services and unload delivery trucks for the Outreach program at St. Mary Anne’s in North East. I take comfort in less visible service, such as cleaning up after church functions.
I devoted my career to regulatory policy and spent 20 years in the federal service at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Treasury Department. When I retired from government, I was the Sr. Deputy Comptroller for Economic and Policy Analysis at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the administrator of national banks. I was at Promontory Financial Group for 17 years, working with banks on compliance risk management. In earlier days, I led the Mayor of Seattle’s policy staff and was a member of the Board of the family business.
General Convention Deputation, Lay - Sandra Bjork

After my retirement as a nurse attorney, we moved to Chestertown in 2007. I have been an active member of Emmanuel Church, Chester Parish in the Northern Convocation, where I have been a choir member, helped with the Kitchen Krew, Flower Guild, choir, other parish activities and am currently Senior Warden. With my health care background, I have been honored to serve on the Board of For All Seasons, the behavioral health and rape crisis center, serving the five mid Shore counties and am currently vice president of the Chester River Health Foundation Board. I have learned a lot and continue to learn about the functioning of the Diocese or Easton by being privileged to serve on the Commission on Ministry and Diocesan Council.
I am a RN with a B.S. in Health Care Administration and a J.D. with a certificate in Health Law. My career path has been direct patient care, utilization review and case management. Following Law School, I worked with members of the radiology community developing guidelines and standards for radiologic procedures.
My husband and I enjoy travel in the US and abroad, golf, and local theater. I was pleased to spend almost ten years of singing with the Chester River Chorale.
We are fortunate to have our children and grandchildren living on the Western Shore and in New York so there are many trips back over the Bay Bridge.
I see the vision of the church already being played out in response to Bishop Curry’s The Way of Love and particularly in the reconciliation efforts through the Sacred Ground initiative. When we can see God in the face of every human no matter who they might be or where we might find them, then we will be accomplishing the mission of Jesus.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Kevin Cross

I have been blessed to serve on the eastern shore as rector of The Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford since March of 2010. Prior to moving to the eastern shore with my wife Barbara, I was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada where I served as priest-in-charge of a small a parish in the Diocese of Fredericton (New Brunswick). Holy Trinity is a vibrant parish which continues to grow spiritually, numerically and financially in new and exciting ways each year.
Pastoral work has always been at the core of my vocations and along with strong leadership skills is a leading strength of my ministry. Prior to following this calling I worked for over 25 years as a senior executive in Fortune 100 financial companies focusing on human resource and merger/acquisition work. My experience also includes work in the functions of chaplaincy, psychotherapy and respiratory therapy.
At work and in my communities I have served as a member and leader of numerous task forces and committees including DOE’s Standing Committee, the Diocesan Council, the Commission on Ministry, the Bishop’s Listening Committee, and as a deputy to the 78th annual General Convention of the Episcopal Church. At that convention I co-authored two resolutions adopted by the convention regarding new church alcohol and drug policies.
As a founding member of the Diocesan Youth Missioner committee I helped establish and fund our diocesan Youth Missioner position. I founded the diocesan Recovery Ministry committee and served for two years as President of the Board of Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church. I currently serve the diocese as chair of the Bishops’ committee to Camp Wright, a member of the Camp Wright development committee and continue the work of the recovery ministry team.
I have been a guest lecturer at General Theological School and national conferences on Youth, Addiction and Spirituality. For the Diocese of Fredericton I served on the Human Resources committee and Secretary and Treasurer for the deanery of St. Andrews.
Currently in addition to continuing diocesan work I serve on the board of Talbot Hospice and serve on the chaplaincy staff of the National Cathedral. I also serve as chaplain to the Oxford Police and Fire Departments. For the past three years I have also served as a visiting priest at St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church in the Caribbean and raised funds to assist the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba with their recovery from hurricane Irma.
My vision for the church, enthusiastically embraces our responsibility as followers of Jesus Christ to teach, model, and inspire the love and mercy of God in ourselves, our congregations, and the world beyond the boundaries of church and diocese. Amidst the divisiveness of today’s world, the church is called to be a source of hope and reconciliation. Jesus proclaimed, “You are the light of the world… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14- 16 The darkness of divisiveness has taken over the world. Jesus call the church to a change agent, transforming the darkness of division into the light of peace and harmony. Together we can shed light on the goodness of God. Just as the mirror in a lighthouse projects light to guide ships safely home, we can be mirrors of Christ’s light. The light of Christ can banish the darkness of the world and illuminate the way toward creating a glimpse of God’s kingdom here on earth. We can be the change..
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Mark Delcuze

Mark Delcuze is in his seventh year at Christ Church Parish, Kent Island. He currently serves on Diocesan Standing Committee and as an Instructor in the School for Deacons. He has also served on Diocesan Council (including a term as Vice President) and on the Bishop’s Search Committee. He has been Ecumenical Officer in two previous dioceses and has been a clergy deputy to General Convention three times. He and his wife Mimi have two grown daughters and three grandsons.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Patrick Collins

Patrick Collins serves the Diocese of Easton in two roles. He is the Priest-in-Charge at All Faith Chapel in Tunis Mills and he is also the Canon to the Ordinary. He has been with the diocese for four years, and prior to being here, he served in Central Pennsylvania as the Transition Ministry Officer and Youth Ministry Coordinator. In addition to his work with the Church, Patrick also sings with the Bay Country Chorus, is a martial artist and also a stained glass artist.
The Church is the place where everyone is recognized for being who they are regardless of the exterior factors which we use to divide ourselves. All of us, no matter the color of our skin, the amount of wealth we possess, our level of health, our political views, our orientation, our understanding of the world – all of us are God’s beloved children. While God sees us this way, our challenge is to see each other this way.
We are called to love everyone, just as God loves us.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Charlie Osberger
The Very Reverend Charlie Osberger, rector of Wye Parish, Queenstown and Wye Mills, Dean of the Middle Convocation. Graduated from the University of Southern California, Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, California and Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Ambridge, Pennsylvania. Recently married to the Reverend Frieda Malcolm. A vision for the church: I believe in the Church, “that wonderful and sacred mystery” real and sacramental, local and universal, in but not of the world, the People of God declaring the purposes of God in Creation. All this means to me the church is gifted by grace to be persons made new by the power of the Holy Spirit, seeking to live courageously for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In a world progressively divided by the idols of this age, our deepest need is to be present as a reconciling community able to act upon the implications of the Gospel and to reach out to our neighbors with a real grace, mercy and goodness that brings hope in the midst of despair and confusion. This kind of authentic church asks to be equipped and sent by the mission of God in the world . Throughout my life of service in this Diocese I have sought and would seek as a clergy deputy nominee to General Convention be the kind of pastor and priest offering this kind of ministry.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Barbara Anne Fisher

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Anne Fisher was first ordained a minister by the Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals, International, on October 2, 2000. She was ordained an Episcopal priest on December 16, 2017. She holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Education from Ball State University; a Master of Christian Education from Christian Theological Seminary; and a Doctor of Ministry in Educational Leadership and a Diploma of Anglican Studies from Virginia Theological Seminary.
Barbara Anne taught in private and public middle schools in both Indiana and Florida for twenty-seven years, serving as both classroom teacher and Subject Area Leader for Science. She held numerous leadership positions within the school districts in which she served. Barbara Anne retired from teaching in 2008 to come to the Eastern Shore of Maryland as the lay Program Director at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Salisbury, and begin her doctoral work at VTS. Barbara Anne is currently the Missioner: Church Beyond the Walls for the Diocese of Easton, and the Interim Rector in the Southern Convocation at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Salisbury, Maryland.
Barbara Anne was a member of Diocesan Council and served as the Council Secretary for five years. She was one of the original Youth Shepherds for the Diocese of Easton, has conducted/attended numerous workshops for the DOE and the larger Episcopal Church. She has been a member of the Clericus Leadership team, and worked closely with St. Paul’s, Hebron to bring the Bishop’s Institute and St. Paul’s Creative Ministry to fruition. She also created the Ignite the Way: Loving through Discipleship, Evangelism, and Missional Work framework for guiding the development of programs and trainings for the Diocese.
Her avocational work involves working to create safe environments within faith communities for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. She married Lillian Sandra Poole on May 25, 2013 in the Trinity Cathedral, and they reside in the “woods by the stream” north of Easton.
In Barbara Anne’s words: My vision is for the Church to come into the fullness of our Baptismal Covenant in all aspects with regards to social justice issues; equality for all regardless of ethnicity, gender/sexual fluidity, social/economical status; or lay/ordained leadership within the church. My prayer is for the Church to embrace the sacredness of an open Eucharistic Table, to carry that sacredness forward beyond the doors of each parish, building true missional community as we partner with the wider community – becoming the hands, feet, heart, and face of Jesus in the midst of the struggles and pain of a weary world.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Mary Garner

I am the rector of St. Paul’s Parish in Centreville in the Northern Convocation. I graduated from Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2006. I served extensively as supply clergy in the Diocese of Easton from 2008 to 2009 and as Associate Rector at Christ Church, St. Michael’s from 2009-2012. While chaplain at Heron Point, I served as the sabbatical rector at St. Paul’s and became rector in 2016. I serve on various boards, including the Corporation and am on the Standing Committee. I am passionate about social justice and mission. My vision of the church is that it is the love of Christ embodied in open doors, open hearts and hands opened in service to those in need, nourishing all with the bread of life and the cup of salvation.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Frank St. Amour
The Revd. Frank S. St.Amour, III
St. Paul’s, Kent – Northern Convocation
Chair, Disciplinary Board
Member, Diocesan Council
To the office of General Convention Deputy, I can bring nearly 40 years of ordained experience in dioceses large and small, liberal and conservative, across the country (Prov. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7). This has given me a “balcony” view of our Church and a practical appreciation for its diversity.
What is your vision for the church?
Broad and optimistic. It is God’s Church and exists for all people, especially the ones who don’t belong to it. We are a small part of the whole, but we have an important witness and that is our strength.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Rob Laws

In addition to a M. Div, Father Rob has a Masters in Religious Education and a D. Min in Christian Spirituality. His D. Min thesis focused on the Spirituality of St. Claire of Assisi, and her prayer of gazing. In addition to spirituality, he is interested in liturgy, music and arts (especially icons), eco-theology, and social justice issues. When not at church, you can often find him in the gym, an art gallery or planning his family’s next travel adventure.
General Convention Deputation, Clergy - Pat Drost
Photo and Bio Not Available