Diocese of Easton 2025 Clergy & Spouse Conference
Princess Royale Oceanfront Resort, Ocean City, MD
Monday, April 28th – Wednesday, April 30th, 2025
Keynote – The Rev. Dr. Katherine Grieb
Theme: “The Church’s One Foundation”
Clergy and spouses are invited to gather for our annual clergy conference from 3:30pm Monday, April 28th through 3:00pm Wednesday, April 30th in Ocean City, MD. Here is a Draft Agenda for a complete overview of our time together.
This year we are pleased to have the The Rev. Dr. Katherine Grieb, faculty member of Virginia Theological Seminary, as she facilitates a deep dive into the book of Phillippians.
The Conference Fee is $275*/per clergy member. We are pleased to invite all clergy spouses as our guests, free of charge! Fee covers programming, materials, lodging, and meals* (Tuesday dinner will be on your own).
Registrations must be submitted to the Diocese NO LATER than March 28th, 2025. No refunds will be given after April 11th, 2025.
*Confidential scholarships are available upon request.
PAYMENTS must be made at the time of registration via credit card or ACH. NO PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT CLERGY CONFERENCE. Churches or individuals needing to pay with check please contact Beth Devenny at the diocesan office prior to continuing with registration.
You are welcome to book an additional night(s) (Sunday or Wednesday) at our special conference rate of $156.45 (includes taxes & fees).
For help with registration, contact Beth Devenny or anyone on the Diocesan staff. Call 410-822-1919.
The Rev. A. Katherine Grieb, Ph.D.
Dr. Grieb received her B.A. in Philosophy and Religion from Hollins University, her J.D. from Columbus School of Law (Catholic University of America), her M.Div from VTS, her Ph.D. (with distinction) in Religious Studies (Theology) from Yale University, and her L.L.M. (with distinction) in Canon Law from Cardiff University School of Law.
Ordained to the diaconate and priesthood in the Diocese of Washington in 1983, she serves part-time at St. Stephen & the Incarnation Episcopal Church in Washington, DC.
Dr. Grieb co-founded the Pauline Soteriology Group at the Society for Biblical Literature and has served on several related committees, including a term on the Board of the Journal of Biblical Studies. She was President of the Mid-Atlantic Region SBL in 2006-2007. She is currently on the board of the Journal of Theological Interpretation and a member of the SBL group on Theology and the Bible, as well the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars and the Society for the Study of Anglicanism. Dr. Grieb is a member of the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church and represented the Episcopal Church at the World Council of Churches Plenary Session in 2009. She was one of seven theologians asked to write To Set Our Hope on Christ, in response to the Windsor Report. She was a member of the Anglican Communion Covenant Design Group.
Currently, Dr. Grieb is a member of IASCUFO (the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity Faith and Order) of the Anglican Communion and teaches regularly at the Canterbury Scholars program at Canterbury Cathedral. A popular preacher and teacher, she leads retreats and Bible studies for diocesan clergy days and other church groups.
Dr. Grieb has authored many articles and book chapters related to the New Testament, theological interpretation of Scripture, and preaching. She published The Story of Romans in 2002 with Westminster John Knox. She Co-edited The Word Leaps the Gap, published with Eerdmans in 2008. She is presently writing on Hebrews and on the Sermon on the Mount.