2021 Diocesan Convention – Slate of Nominees
One of the great joys and rewards of being an Episcopalian on the Eastern Shore is the opportunity to serve as leaders in the Diocese of Easton. Each year at our annual convention we have the privilege to elect our representatives to the Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and the Board of Managers of the Trust Funds. In doing so, we help shape the future of our Diocese by electing clergy and lay leaders to these important offices. This process is central to maintaining the vitality of our Diocese.
Pursuant to Canon 105 of the Constitution and Canons of the diocese, Bishop San has charged the Nominations Committee (Tom Shuster (Chair), the Very Rev. Henry Sabetti & Nancy Robson of the Northern Convocation, Very Rev. Charlie Osberger and Charlotte Meyer of the Middle Convocation and Very Rev. Michael Moyer and John P. Rue of the Southern Convocation) to recruit candidates to be considered for election to these roles at the 153rd Convention of the Diocese on March 6, 2021.
The list of positions up for election this year are as follows. Scroll down to read about the nominees submitted for each category (ordered first by the position for which they were nominated, and then alphabetically by last name).
Registrar of Convention (one year term nominated by the Bishop)
• Rev. Canon Patrick Collins
Treasurer of Convention (one year term nominated by the Bishop)
• Charlie Bohn
Diocesan Council (3 year term of service)
• One Lay member from the Northern Convocation to elect – James Martinez
• One Clergy member from the Middle Convocation to elect – Rev. Deacon Barbara Coleman
• One Clergy At Large member to elect – Rev. Laura Dorsey and Rev. Dr. Frieda Malcolm
• One Lay member from the Southern Convocation to elect – Nancy Linck
• One Lay At Large member to elect – Linda Hurley and Nivek Johnson
Standing Committee (3 year term of service) – One Lay member and one Clergy member to elect.
• Clergy – Rev. Michael Lokey and Rev. Deacon Lisa Webb
• Lay – Tom Mendenhall and April Reese
Standing Committee (unexpired term ending 2023) – One Clergy member to elect.
• Clergy – Rev. Deacon Stephanie Clayville and Rev. Canon Daniel Dunlap
Board of Managers of Trust Funds (3 year term of service) – Two members to elect.
• W. Christopher Maxwell
• Raymond Munsch

James Martinez, Diocesan Council, Northern Convocation, Lay
James Martinez lives in Worton MD with his wife, Malorie, and two teenage sons, Thomas and Henry. He has been a member of Christ Church I.U. Church in Kent County since 2004. His service to the church started when he began teaching Sunday School to his two sons. The class count grew from the original two boys to as many as twelve, and it now stands at ten.
After serving several terms on the vestry at Christ Church I.U., James now holds the position of Junior Warden. He has also represented Christ Church I.U. at the annual Diocesan Convention for several years. Other current positions include a board position at Camp Wright and Director of the Middendorf Makerspace at Wye River Upper School. His experience as a teacher allowed him to help guide his small church through the many challenges we all face at the moment.
James moved from Texas to attend graduate school at the University of Delaware. He has held teaching positions at The University of Delaware, Delaware College of Art and Design, and Washington College.
“As I look back on my time on the Eastern Shore I am very proud of the spiritual growth I have experienced at Christ I.U. My growth was fostered by a congregation that nurtured me and my young family. I am thankful for any chance that will allow me to create and sustain congregations that can do for others what was done for me.”

Reverend Deacon Barbara A. Coleman, Diocesan Council, Middle Convocation, Clergy
Reverend Coleman is one of the seven recently ordained Deacons in the Diocese.
Reverend Coleman is a member of Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish.
While at Christ Church she was a group facilitator for the ALPHA course, Stephen Minister, regular contributor and chef in the St. Peter’s Food Pantry, and Safeguarding leader for the BoyChoir of the Chesapeake Bay.
Reverend Coleman is currently assigned to the Dorchester Alliance and the first Deacon of Dorchester.
Reverend Coleman, prior to leaving work to raise a family with her husband of twenty-four years John, worked as a civilian Crime Scene Technician with the Baltimore City Police Department. She also worked for a time as an Adjunct Professor in Criminal Justice at Chesapeake College and a substitute teacher for the Talbot County School System.
Reverend Coleman ministry is to advance the Apostolic Mission of the church.

Reverend Laura M. Dorsey, Diocesan Council, Clergy At-Large
Rev. Dorsey is Vicar at St. Paul’s Episcopal Center in Hebron, Maryland.
The Revs. Michael Lokey, Jerry Nettleton and Melody Sutherland and I were ordained by Bishop Martin Townsend on September 15, 2001. We were the first to be ordained from the Diocesan School for Total Ministry that had been formed by the Diocese of Easton in 1998.
I originally served Grace Church, Mt. Vernon along with the Rev. Edward “Pete” Dorsey and stayed there for a short time following his death in 2007. Subsequently, I have served a number of small congregations mostly in the Southern Convocation. I presently serve as Vicar for the Diocese of Easton’s St. Paul’s Episcopal Center (SPEC)—Worship & Creative Ministry/The Bishop’s Institute/Community Partnerships. I serve as secretary for the SPEC Bishop’s Committee and am on the Executive Committee and Advisory Board for the Bishop’s Institute and have participated in the Institute’s training done over the past year and half. Also, I oversee the operation of the twice monthly Food Pantry at SPEC. I am a member of the Diocesan Real Property Committee and have been a Southern Convocation clergy member of the Diocesan Council and a member of the Standing Committee where I served as President for two consecutive years. A few years back, I had the opportunity to supply at congregations throughout the Diocese, to meet with the folks attending and witness their worship. It was very gratifying.
Our Diocese is embarking on some new avenues and projects that as Bishop Marray has said involve “giving the Holy Spirit space and freedom to take what is already within us and transform it into something new and relevant for the time we are ministering.” I am glad to have been and would be glad to continue to be a part of some of these “transformations.”

Reverend Doctor Frieda Malcolm, Diocesan Council, Clergy At-Large
Frieda is currently serving periodically as supply clergy for Christ Church, Denton, on the Standing Committee filling an unexpired term, and weekly as a volunteer at the Haven Ministries Food Pantry in Queenstown. She continues to support local and regional efforts to care for God’s creation, to provide support and spiritual direction for a few lay and clergy, and to participate as appropriate in the life of the diocese.
She has served this diocese in many capacities over the past 20 years, including two terms on Diocesan Council, a full term on the Standing Committee, four terms as General Convention Deputy and one as the First Alternate, and several terms on the Commission on Ministry as well as the Personnel and Compensation Committee. She was the Co-Chair of the Nominating Committee for Bishop XI. She was Rector of St. Alban’s, Salisbury, 2001-2019; and Dean of the Southern Convocation 2007-2019.

Nancy Linck, Diocesan Council, Southern Convocation, Lay
We are all called to serve in any way we can. Life, to me, is all about stewardship. Previously, I served on the St. Alban’s vestry for 3 years in property and outreach, the Diocesan Council for 3 years, Episcopal Women’s Group, and Agape Ministry (Camp Agape) for 10 years. Currently I serve as a St. Alban’s (Salisbury) member on the Finance Committee, Eucharistic Minister, Worship Leader and Choir. In my community, currently I am a member of the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce, Town-Gown Council and Junior Achievement. In 2011, I received the Jefferson Award for my stewardship with the homeless, mentally disabled and children of incarcerated parents.
Raised Catholic, Maria (my partner of 35 years who died last May) and I found St Alban’s almost 20 years ago after we moved here from Houston, TX. Newly retired in 2017, I was employed by SYSCO Corporation in Houston for 10 years and Sysco Eastern Maryland (Lankford-SYSCO) for 30 years.
I look forward to the challenges and ways to serve my church and community as God calls.
Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Men.

Linda Hurley, Diocesan Council, Lay At-Large
I am a lifetime Episcopalian, the daughter of an Episcopal priest. I grew up watching church leadership at work. I am Director of the sleep lab at TidalHeath Peninsula Regional, and co-owner of Sleep Waves, Inc.
I am a longtime member of St. Peter’s in Salisbury, once in the early 1990s, then Trinity in Elkton for several years where I was married. I returned to the lower shore in 2001. Over the years I have been vestry member several times, warden, choir member, served on a variety of parish committees such as finance, stewardship, capital campaign, activities, evangelism, bazaar and more. I have often been a convention delegate and served on Diocesan Council finishing up just as Bishop San was elected. I truly enjoyed being on this council and it was a really interesting time to be involved in this way.
Our parish, church life and friends of faith have kept us grounded and enriched our lives over many years.
In this quieter time of amazing music and wonderful virtual services keeping us centered, I am grateful and joyful to feel the bonds of faith and friendships unbroken. It is now time to poke my head out of my shell and again be considered to serve on this Diocesan Council.
Thank you for your consideration.

Nivek M. Johnson, Diocesan Council, Lay At-Large
I find the Diocese of Easton my home filled with great wholesome folks. I have served the Diocese of Easton since 2011 through many diocesan ministries and churches. From 2011-2013, I served the Members at St. Paul’s-Kent as counselor in their local day camp program. In 2011 I joined the Agape Ministries Committee for the Diocese of Easton where I continually still serve the children in our communities throughout the shore. From 2013-2018 I served at our Diocesan Camp, Camp Wright in various counseling and Christian formation roles.
In 2015 I received the call to serve as a youth minister in our diocese serving our diocesan youth serving for two years at St. Peter’s in Salisbury and one year at Christ Church in Kent Island. I served briefly on our Diocesan Disaster Awareness and Preparedness Committee. Currently I am serving on our Diocesan Diversity & Reconciliation Committee.
I believe the Diocese is in a period of reawakening and spiritual enlightenment even in the eyes of the dual pandemics. There is hope for our diocese, and I hope I can help ignite that hope on the Diocesan Council.

Reverend Michael P. Lokey, Standing Committee, Clergy
I grew up and attended school in Salisbury, Md.
In 1963 I entered U,S. Army, where I served until 1966.
While in the military I attended the University Maryland University College in Augsburg, Germany, and upon leaving the military, I was employed in the family construction business and then began my own firm. All while attending Salisbury State College, and the University of Maryland.
During the gas embargo of the mid seventies I was invited to be a Counselor/ Evaluator for special needs children in the Somerset County School system. A position I relished until I was promoted to Coordinator/ Principal of the Technology Center from which I retired in 2004. In order to hold these position I earned the Advanced Professional Certification in Industrial Education from U. Maryland and The State Board of Education.
In 1996 I began the process of becoming a priest in the Diocese of Easton and was ordained a Transitional Deacon in 2001 and to the priesthood in 2002.
I have served in several parishes since being ordained, to include Grace Mount Vernon, Old Trinity Church Creek, and for the past fifteen years St. Paul’s Coventry Parish, in Marion Station.
My committee service has included Diocesan Council, the Emergency Preparedness Committee, and I am currently chair of the Diocesan Property Committee and a member of the St. Paul’s Episcopal Center- Bishops Committee.
After Super Storm Sandy I asked Bishop Shand if there were funds available to help.
He supplied $30,000.00 from his discretionary fund so that the folks of Coventry Parish could rebuild the home of a family in Crisfield. He was more than happy to help and under my supervision, in six months St. Paul’s had that family back in their home at no cost to them.
My belief is that this Diocese is headed in a new and exciting direction, which my skill set will match nicely. I believe we need to back our Bishop in his quest to bring us into a new reality for churches, one in which everyone has a voice.
I therefore would like your vote to place me on the Standing Committee of the Diocese.

Reverend Doctor Deacon Lisa Webb, Standing Committee, Clergy
Dr. Deacon Lisa Webb was joyfully ordained to the Diaconate on 10-10-2020. She is currently serving at Holy Trinity Church, Oxford, and Emmaunal Church Chestertown is her sending parish. She also is an ob-gyn, and her passion is healing. She believes strongly in the connection between body, mind, and spirit, and the importance of ministering to all parts of a person. She just completed a term on Diocesean Council, and looks forward to the continuing adventures in her work as a deacon.

Tom Mendenhall, Standing Committee, Lay
Tom Mendenhall spent five years in commercial banking and has served as a COO, CFO and general manager at several small-to medium sized companies where his experience included turnaround and business restructuring. He spent ten years with Martin Marietta Corporation first as Manager – Corporate Cash, and then Assistant Treasurer-Cash & Banking where he managed a short-term investment portfolio of over $200 million, and was a part of the team that was involved in what became known as the Bendix-Martin Marietta Takeover War – a $1.0 billion contested tender offer fight. His responsibilities included negotiating $1.5 billion in bank credit to facilitate the company’s defense. He went on to serve as Vice President /General Manager of a division of Martin Marietta Aggregates.
For thirteen years, he was involved in the start-up of two successful enterprises, most recently as Vice President – Finance, Secretary & Treasurer of Country Road Communications, LLC, a private equity-funded acquirer of rural wireline telephone companies. Prior to that he was Vice President/General Manager of Bachman NGV, a company that retro-fitted fuel systems to convert vehicles from gasoline to compressed natural gas.
He serves as consulting CFO to For All Seasons, Inc., the Eastern Shore’s leading agency in Behavioral Health counseling and Rape Crisis Support, and served as Director – School Advancement & Finance at Wye River Upper School, a high school for students with learning differences.
Tom holds a Masters in Management from the Alfred P. Sloan School at MIT, and a BS from Drexel University. He is married with four children and eight grandchildren. He enjoys sailing, fishing, reading and writing. He is a member of Christ Church in St. Michaels where he serves on the Vestry as Treasurer and Finance Chair. He has served on the Diocesan Council for the Diocese of Easton and its Finance Committee and served on the Standing Committee and as its President. Since 2014 he has served as chair of the Camp Wright Committee.

April Reese, Standing Committee, Lay
April Reese, an active member of St. Paul’s Marion for 35 years, has served in several capacities at both the parish and diocesan levels. At St. Paul’s, she served a combined 15 years as Sunday school teacher and youth leader. She also served numerous terms as registrar including a current term. She concurrently serves as Lay Eucharistic Minister.
In service to the diocese, April acted as co-chair of the 150th Anniversary Committee and is presently a member of the Constitution and Canons Task Force Committee. In the past, she has also represented St. Paul’s as a delegate to Convention.
April is retired from Accomack County Public Schools where she worked a number of years as a middle school counselor and school testing coordinator. Prior to that, she worked at raising her family and assisting her husband with his wholesale seafood business. April and her husband live in Crisfield and have three adult children.
In August, April self-published a devotional book and has completed the first draft of a second devotional.
“My aspirational vision for our church is that it would be a magnifier of God’s light, agape love, holy wisdom and boundless grace”.

Reverend Deacon Stephanie Clayville, Standing Committee, Replacement Term (Class of 2023), Clergy
Stephanie (Steph) Clayville, Deacon in Residence at St. Mary the Virgin Pocomoke, has lived in Snow Hill for over 16 years with her husband Brooks. Rev. Steph works full-time as a Technical Project Manager at TidalHealth in Salisbury, MD and possesses a Master’s in Business Administration with a focus in Technology.
Steph’s home parish is All Hallows where she volunteered in all aspects of parish work. She participated in the Altar Guild, was Vice President of ECW and the Cemetery Committee, was an Acolyte, LEM, LEV, served on the vestry and other various committees. She was the first Deacon to be raised by the congregation in their 328 years history. Upon completion of 2 years of studies with the School of the Diaconate, Rev. Steph had the privilege to intern for 1 year under the direction of Fr. David Michaud at St. Peter’s in Salisbury. Steph was able to learn about the inner workings of the church and church leadership. Upon ordination, Steph was appointed by the Bishop as Deacon in Residence at St. Mary the Virgin in Pocomoke City. She has been working closely with the Vestry to serve those in need both inside and outside of our parish, as well as act in the role of worship leader.
Rev. Steph is also active in the Snow Hill community. She co-founded the Snow Hill Food Pantry in 2015 that still feeds over 200 people a month. She is now serving as the 1st woman President of the Snow Hill Lions Club and volunteers her time with Worcester Gold and other non-profit organizations helping those in need. Last year, Rev Steph won the Presidential Gold Service award for completing over 700 hours of community service for which she received a medal and a letter from the President. She is looking forward to severing the church in a greater capacity and excited about the opportunity to serve on the Standing Committee.

Reverend Canon Daniel Dunlap, Standing Committee, Replacement Term (Class of 2023), Clergy
The Rev. Canon Daniel (Dan) Dunlap is beginning his eighth year as the Rector of Old Trinity, Church Creek, and his fifth as Vicar of St. John’s Chapel, Cornersville. In January 2020, Dan was appointed Canon Theologian for the Diocese of Easton by Bishop Santosh Marray, and has lately served as Dean and instructional faculty for the Diocesan School for Diaconal Formation. He currently serves on the Commission on Ministry (ex officio), the Advisory Board for the Bishop’s Institute, the Bishop’s Committee for St. Paul’s Episcopal Center, and as a liaison and advisor for the Iona Initiative Program. Dan has also served on Diocesan Council (2017-2019) and on the Nominating Committee for the Eleventh Bishop of Easton. March 17 will mark the 31st year of active ministry.
Originally ordained in the Reformed Episcopal Church, Dan has served parishes in Philadelphia, PA, Exeter, UK, and Shreveport, LA. After ordination in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, Dan went on to serve as the rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Tomball, TX, before coming to Old Trinity, Church Creek in 2014. Dan has an earned doctorate from Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and has held several faculty positions at various institutions, including the post of Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Historical Theology at the Houston Graduate School of Theology, and instructor in church history for the Iona School for Ministry, in association with the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX.
Dan is active in the Rotary Club of Cambridge, the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity Choptank, and is often invited to speak for the Dorchester Historical Society and the South Dorchester Folk Museum. Both Dan and his wife, Donna, were raised in Central PA. They have three grown children. Donna works as a Licensed Clinical Counselor at Peace of Mind Mental Health Services in Easton. Their hobbies include sailing, travel, brewing adult beverages, cooking, and serving on the crew of the Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester.

W. Christopher Maxwell, Board of Managers
Chris, a Chartered Financial Analyst, served as an elected member of the Board of Managers from 2006 thru 2012 and until 2018 also served as Fund Administrator. Chris is the architect of the Easton Episcopal Fund, and through Osprey Capital Management, LLC evaluates portfolio results and implements Board of Manager decisions.
He brings over 40 years of investment experience to the Board of Managers having served as Chief Investment Officer of units of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, and Key Bank. Additionally he has run investment units at Citicorp, established his own investment advisory firm, created, developed, and managed mutual funds for numerous organizations, served as Chair and CEO of the Conestoga Funds, served on the investment advisory board of the New York State Teachers Retirement System, and as a Governor of the Investment Company Institute.
Chris is a graduate of Penn State University, has an MBA from Northwestern University and is a member of St. Paul’s Kent where he served on the Vestry as Chair of the Finance Committee and as superintendent of the churchyard. Chris and his wife, Marti, have been fulltime residents of Rock Hall, MD since 1997. They have two children, five grandchildren, and Izzy, their Black Lab.

Raymond J. Munsch, Board of Managers
Ray is retired and living with his wife in Oxford, where he is an active member of The Church of the Holy Trinity. He is a past vestry person at parishes in Pennsylvania and Virginia. A native of Richmond, VA, he spent the majority of his professional life in Philadelphia.
Ray has over 40 years’ experience in the investment management industry. Prior to retirement, he was President, Chief Operating Officer and Portfolio Manager for 15 years at an independent investment management firm with approximately $3.5 billion under management.
Ray holds a B.S. degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. from the Darden School of the University of Virginia. He served for 3 ½ years on active duty as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard.