David Booth Beers Canonical Review Memorial Project

In commemoration of his life, witness and contribution to the Episcopal Church (both the Diocese of Easton and the wider church), Diocesan Council has approved the recommendation of the bishop to designate the Constitution and Canon Review Process the ‘David Booth Beers Canonical Review Memorial Project.’ David served as Chancellor of the Episcopal Church serving under three Presiding Bishops for over thirty (30) years retiring in 2019. Upon his retirement he was invited to be the non-stipendiary consultant to the Diocese of Easton’s Constitution and Canons Review Task Force. The members of the task force are high in praise of his consultative wisdom, knowledge and impartial insights as they worked to review our Constitution and Canons. David passed away in May after a brief illness. The final vote to ratify this important document comes up for second reading and vote at the next convention. The bishop will offer a directive to the diocese in the fall as to his recommendation in proceeding to memorialize Mr. Booth Beers.