Disciplinary Board & Intake Officer
The Intake Officer Will…
Listen with Respect
Offer pastoral care and response
Create a written response regarding concern(s) presented
Answer questions about the process
About the Disciplinary Board & Process
The Diocese of Easton has established procedures for reporting allegations of acts of misconduct committed by either clergy or lay persons.
The Clergy disciplinary process in the Diocese of Easton is governed by Title VIII of our diocesan Canons. Our Canons are based on and incorporate by reference Title IV of the Episcopal Church canons. The Title IV Canons can be viewed here.
Canon 1 of Title IV states the theological context for the process: “By virtue of Baptism, all members of the Church are called to holiness of life and accountability to one another. The Church and each diocese shall support their members in their life in Christ and seek to resolve conflicts by promoting healing, repentance, forgiveness, restitution, justice, amendment of life, and reconciliation among all involved or affected. This Title applies to members of the clergy, who have by their vows at ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship, and obedience.”
The Disciplinary Board has provided this resource page with more information about the process and specifics regarding clergy and layperson misconduct and reporting.
The Very Rev. Claire Nevin-Field (2025)
Mr. Michael Mathers, Esq. (2025)
The Rev. Dr. William Ortt (2026)
Mr. David Ormond, Esq. (2026)
Mr. Ernie Cornbrooks, Esq. (2026)
The Rev. Deacon Les Roberts (2027)
Ms. Nancy Linck (2027)