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integrity eucharistIntegrity of the Eastern Shore invites all to a festival celebration of the Feast of the Annunication on Friday, March 24 at 6 pm at Trinity Cathedral. Our guest preacher will be the Rev. Fr. Alistair So, rector of All Hallows Episcopal Church, Davidsonville, Maryland. Please bring a light snack/finger foods to share for a time of fellowship after the Eucharist if you are able.

The Rev. Alistair So, was raised in Hong Kong, Fr. Alistair came to study biology in 1994 at American University, Washington, DC, where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology (1998). He also earned a Master’s degree in Microbiology and Immunology from Georgetown University, Washington, DC (2000). Prior to the ordained ministry, he was a research scientist in the  iopharmaceutical industry. During these formative years, Fr. Alistair found his permanent home comfortably both in the Episcopal Church and in the United States.

He received his Master’s in Divinity from the Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA in 2005. After ordination, he served as Associate Rector and Priest-in-Charge protempore of St. Martin’s-in-the-Field Episcopal Church and Day School in Severna Park, MD from 2005 to 2008. Recognizing his gifts both in science and theology, the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church appointed Fr. Alistair to serve on the Executive Council Committee on Science, Technology and Faith from 2006 to 2009. “I believe,” says Fr. Alistair, “that God has formed my priesthood with science for a reason: I can reach out to people who have trouble reconciling science and faith. For me, the God of Genesis is the same God I experience in the great discoveries of science!”

As an Episcopal LGBTQ organization, Integrity USA proclaims and embodies the allinclusive love of God through worship, education, and advocacy. Integrity envisions a church where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions are welcomed and affirmed.

Click below for a flyer for the event: