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News & Events

News from in and around the Diocese of Easton.

Regathering Youth Groups

Regathering Youth Groups in the Diocese of Easton In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic moved most of our work online. Many youth groups got by with Zoom calls, virtual game nights and drive-by graduation parades. Other activities have fallen to the wayside for the...

Bishop’s Blog – What Did Jesus Do?

What Did Jesus Do?A Reflection (Mark 1: 12-15) “In a powerful sermon preached at the July meeting of the House of Bishops, Bishop Scott Hayashi of Utah said something that might be helpful to us. He made mention of the little acronym, WWJD, What Would Jesus Do? And,...

IONA Collaborative

Diocese of EastonCollaboration with the Iona CollaborativeA Program of Episcopal Seminary of the SouthwestAustin, TX The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Director of the Iona Center & Lecturer was invited to Diocesan Convention on March 7, 2020. He gave a very informative and...

Agape Ministry: Camp in a Box

“Let’s continue this monthly!” was the rousing and unanimous vote heard from all the Agape kids and leaders at the end of a week of zoom calls, dubbed “Camp in a Box”. The calls, which took place at 10am every morning from July 6th-9th, were designed to complement a...

Camp Wright Appeal

A Solemn Call to Give Generously to Camp Wright Camp Wright has been a key ministry in the Diocese of Easton for 90 years. Just last summer alone, Camp Wright ministered to over 1700 children, youth, and young adults of various faith backgrounds and experiences. These...

Bishop’s Blog – July 2020

Reflection ‘I Can’t Breathe’: A Spiritual Reflection on God’s Divine Gift of Breath ‘Breathe’ is described as the verb we use for the process of inhaling and exhaling. Breath is a noun that refers to a full cycle of breathing. The breath of God in Judaic-Christian...