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During your registration you will be asked to approve the following Resolution.  Please make sure to review it prior to entering the registration process.  The link to register can be found at the bottom of this page.


Whereas Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Diocese of Easton states that the Convention shall adopt such rules and regulations as will ensure orderly process in its deliberations, and 

Whereas safety concerns related to the Coronavirus Pandemic have resulted in the Bishop of Easton moving the 153rd Diocesan Convention on March 6, 2021 to an online platform, and 

Whereas, for the orderly conduct of business at the 153rd Convention Rules of Order need to be in place that address the peculiarities of a virtual convention. 

Therefore be it resolved that the Diocesan Council, meeting on November 23, 2020, approves and recommends ratification by the 153rd Convention the following Rules of Order for the 2021 Diocesan Convention. 

Rules of Order for 2021 Only 

  1. Title I of the Canons of the Diocese of Easton and, for parliamentary guidance “Robert’s Rules of Order,” shall govern the proceedings of the Convention in all cases not provided for in these Rules of Order.
  2. The on-line digital platform for the 153rd Diocesan Convention shall be “Zoom Meetings.” All Convention participants with seat shall participate in the zoom meeting. The zoom meeting is livestreamed on the Diocesan Website; those who are observing and have no seat at Convention may participate through the livestream broadcast. 
  3. Each member of the clergy entitled to a seat in the Convention shall register in advance of the day of Convention with the Secretary and shall check in remotely using approved digital technology, and the name which shall be checked against a roll furnished by the bishop or other ecclesiastical authority of the diocese, which roll shall be evidence of the right of the members of the clergy to seats until the Convention shall have formally acted on the question. 
  4. Each Lay delegate shall register in advance of the day of Convention with the Secretary and shall check in remotely using approved digital technology, and the name which shall be checked against a roll prepared from the certifications received from parishes, missions, separate congregations and Cathedral chapter.
  5. The Secretary shall be notified (in advance of the day of Convention if possible) of any lay delegates who request that their seat be relinquished to a duly certified alternate delegate from the same parish, mission, separate congregation or cathedral chapter due to absence, illness or other such reasons, and the name of the alternate delegate shall be checked against a roll prepared from the certifications received, and the Secretary shall declare the delegate not eligible to have seat and the delegate alternate eligible and allowed to check in remotely using approved digital technology. 
  6. Additional Clergy and lay people who are given the right of seat and voice by canon or vote of Convention shall register with the Secretary and check in remotely using approved digital technology. 
  7. The first business after Convention is called to order by the Chair shall be the election of a Secretary, and then the determination of a quorum. The Chair shall then call for the Ratification of the Rules of Order. 
  8. When any member is about to speak or deliver any matter to the convention, the member shall gain the attention of the president in the prescribed electronic manner and with due respect. With the exception of the Chair and the person who has the floor, all other participants shall mute their microphones. 
  9. Voting. Voting is limited to participants on the zoom meeting that have the right of seat, voice and vote at Convention. All votes of those participating remotely shall be conducted anonymously using a virtual voting system approved by the Secretary of Convention. Convention votes shall be deemed in writing and anonymous, so long as the identity of each voter is known only to the administrator of the system. With the approval of the Secretary of Convention, appropriate provisions shall be made for assistance to those who do not have access to the virtual voting system or require technical assistance in voting. 
  10. Clarity. All documents to be considered during Convention shall be provided to each member of the body before or during the Convention.
  11. Votes and ballots may be cast in advance of convention through electronic registration, but those results shall be ratified after convention is called to order. An affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of eligible members shall be ratified as “passed” without debate. 
  12. All elections shall be by ballot unless otherwise ordered; the votes of the Clergy and Laity shall be counted separately, but the vote shall be regarded as a joint one, and the election shall be decided by a majority of the whole number of votes taken together, except where a vote by orders shall be required under the provisions of the Constitution. First ballots shall be cast in advance of the day of Convention with the results announced by the Head Teller at Convention followed by a majority vote to ratify the results. Ballots may be provided through secured use of electronic devices. 
  13. Nominations from the floor shall not be allowable. 
  14. No resolutions amending the Constitution or Canons or Resolutions for Debate shall be considered at this convention. 
  15. The foregoing Rules of Order are temporary and shall not be deemed the Rules of Order for all future Conventions and the same shall be published in the Journal of the Convention.