St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Designation as Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of Easton
For the Southern Convocation
This Saturday, April 22 the Diocese of Easton will designate St. Peter’s Episcopal Church as a Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of Easton in the Southern Convocation. This designation will take place immediately following the Ordination to the Diaconate of Elizabeth Phillips, also taking place at St. Peter’s. This decision was arrived at after considerable prayer, conversation, and study by the parish on the advice of the bishop. The bishop commissioned a seminary professor and senior clergy to write a Reflection Paper on the role, function and history of a pro-cathedral in the life of the Anglican Communion and Episcopal Church. After careful study and reflection, the rector and vestry informed the bishop of the decision to accept this designation as a three-year experiment. The vestry and bishop agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding that will govern the way the diocese and pro-cathedral will live into the designation. The Resolution of Designation will be read at the service declaring the new status of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee and Diocesan Council have approved this new experiment.
It has been the historic practice of the Church to designate as pro-cathedral a church in the largest city in a diocese. The City of Salisbury, as documented by the State of Maryland, is the most populous city on the Eastern Shore with about 33,000 residents. Notably all three convocations of the diocese continue to show encouraging signs of growth and stability in mission and ministry. We give thanks to God for the blessings we as a diocese are experiencing as we gradually emerge out of Covid 19 pandemic.
Please hold the Rector, Vestry and parishioners of St. Peter’s Church in your prayers as they strive to live into their new role.
Together in Christ service,