Bishop Santosh Marray’s Sabbatical Plans
June – September 2023
June 1-13
- USA to Barbados to Reconnect with my seminary Codrington Theological College
- Travel from Barbados to Antigua – June 5 – 8
- Reconnect with Diocese of Easton Communion Partner: Diocese of Antigua and Northeastern Caribbean
- Clergy Ministry Development Day – Tuesday, June 6
- Lay Ministry Development Day – Wednesday, June 7
As part of my sabbatical pilgrimage, I spent quality time in prayerful reflection at my seminary in Barbados. It was a nostalgic experience sharing quality time with current seminarians reminiscing about my own experience at the seminary forty-six years ago, comparing and contrasting seminary life forty-six years after. I was invited to offer the Graduating Address/Sermon at the Commemoration Service in which I alluded to the challenges of the post-covid church dilemma and shared some thoughts going forward. The Diocese of Easton clearly proactive, in its demonstration of addressing some of the suggestions offered by researchers and experts, in the wider church of best ways of navigating the crises before churches in the diocesan family. It is obvious that the Diocese of Easton is already engaging the process of recapitulation in confronting the crises that were accurately present in pre-covid but have been exacerbated in this post-covid era.
I was invited by the Bishop of Northeastern Caribbean & Aruba, the Right Reverend Ernest Flemming, to lead a day Retreat of Diocesan Clergy and a day Retreat of Diocesan Lay. The diocese like so many other dioceses is seeking to reconnect mission and ministry on a diocesan wide level after covid. The sessions were invaluable to clergy and lay, the energy and enthusiasm was palpable, and the presence of the Holy Spirit was evident as testified by retreatants. The feedback was positive.
I met many persons lay and clergy alike that testified to the formative and relational experience they had at Camp Wright. The current bishop recalled his personal experience of being at Camp Wright. I thanked them on behalf of the diocese for helping to integrate Camp Wright. They were surprised to hear that Camp Wright was alive and doing well and asked about Rev. Alan Spicer who was very much involved in the life of Camp Wright during that period of our diocese’s companion relationship with the Diocese of Antigua & Barbuda.

Bishop at Diocese of Antigua and Northeastern Caribbean Retreat with Lay.

Bishop at Diocese of Antigua and Northeastern Caribbean Retreat.

Bishop at Diocese of Antigua and Northeastern Caribbean Retreat with Clergy.