by Joanne Fisher | Jan 29, 2020 | Announcement, Diocesan-Wide Event, General News
PLANNED GIVING/ENDOWMENTS WORKSHOP AT ST. PETER’S, SALISBURY MARCH 21 Parish leaders in the Diocese of Easton and Diocese of Delaware are invited to register for a workshop on Planned Giving/Endowments presented by Jim Murphy, Managing Program Director for...
by Joanne Fisher | Jan 29, 2020 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, General News, Parousia
Parousia: God’s Invitation to a Church in Resurrection Part III Parousia isn’t a prescription, rather it is a permission to be creative and to take the risk, as God took a risk when his son Jesus was sent into the world to be Savior and Redeemer; to try new and...
by Joanne Fisher | Jan 26, 2020 | Ignite, Missioner: Church Beyond the Walls
by Joanne Fisher | Jan 15, 2020 | Announcement, General News
St. Paul’s – Worcester Parish, Berlin On December 2, 2019, the Commission on Ministry hosted Sister Teresa Irene and Sister Barbara from the Episcopal Carmel of St. Teresa for an interesting and delightful talk on their personal journeys to become...
by Joanne Fisher | Jan 15, 2020 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, Bishop's Institute
Celebration Eucharist to Launch Bishop’s Institute &Center for Creative MinistryOn Saturday, January 4, 2020Bishop’s Institute Main CampusSt. Paul’s Church, Hebron OUR CALL To provide all the faithful saints of the Diocese of Easton training and formation needed...