Appointment of New Dean for the Middle Convocation

With the retirement from active parish ministry of the Very Reverend Charles Osberger, Rector of Wye Parish and Dean of the Middle Convocation, the Bishop pursuant to Canon 501.05 has appointed the Reverend Mark Delcuze, Rector of Christ Church, Stevensville, to serve as the new Dean for the Middle Convocation. Reverend Delcuze comes with thirty-five years of parish experience having previously served in the Diocese of West Virginia, Southern Virginia, Connecticut and Massachusetts. The bishop wishes the Rev. Mark every blessing in this additional call to serve the diocese and God’s church. Rev. Mark joins the diocese’s other two hardworking and dedicated deans – the Very Reverend Henry Sabetti, Northern Convocation, and the Very Reverend David Michaud, Southern Convocation. The Deans will continue to assist the Bishop in the ministry of leading our wonderful and grace-filled Diocese during these changing times – as we move into the post-covid iteration the church.