Full Set of Godly Play Materials Available: Christ Church Parish, Kent Island is Spring cleaning and they have a large set of the GODLY PLAY materials that many Episcopal Churches use for their Sunday school. If you know of anyone/church that might want the set – they are looking to pass it on. Contact Cara Fehrenbacher.
Christ Church Kent Island – Pipes, Pedals, & Pizza Attention all piano students in grades 6-12: The Annapolis AGO (American Guild of Organists) invites you to learn about the pipe organ by visiting the Naval Academy Chapel on Monday, May 9th at 5 p.m. At your visit you will get a personal tour of the five manual console and the opportunity to participate in an “organ crawl” where you will explore the thousands of pipes that make up the organ up close. Finally, students will be invited to play a piece that they have learned on the piano on this magnificent organ! This tour is led by Naval Academy Organist Monte Maxwell. After the tour, the group will walk to a local restaurant for pizza! This is a fantastic opportunity for all young pianists. Students are asked to be accompanied by an adult; there is no fee for the tour but the group will split the cost of pizza. Please contact Gary Van Essen (music@ccpki.org) for more information and to register.
St. Paul’s by-the-Sea, Ocean City – Our April Book is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom which we will discuss on Monday, April 24 at 7pm via Zoom. It is an autobiographical memoir by Corrie Ten Boom, a devoutly religious woman who lived in the Holland city of Haarlem during the Nazi occupation. Compelled by her unshakeable Christian morality, she defied tyranny to rescue her Jewish neighbors who faced annihilation during the Holocaust. She was ultimately caught and sent to the notorious Ravensbruck death camp, where she witnessed scenes of unimaginable cruelty. In the camp, it was Corrie’s bedrock faith in the glory of God that sustained her. She discovered that love was a far more powerful force than hate—for God’s love was truly unconquerable. Anyone who enjoys reading is welcome to join our group. Contact Debbie Shuster or Jody Farley.
A story from St. Luke’s Parish, Church Hill – Bob Gallion, a member of St. Luke’s Parish, recently wrote an essay, “Bricks and Mortar” which he shared from the pulpit and had published in the Star Democrat. The Star Democrat website is www.StarDem.com; type “Bricks and Mortar” in the search bar. Enjoy Bob’s perspective on the richness of being a member of a faith community.

St. Alban’s, Salisbury – Labyrinth returns to St. Alban’s courtyard as a challenging respite (By Jeremy Cox) One of Salisbury’s hidden gems has returned. Read article here.

Ukrainian colors on St. Paul’s by the Sea, Ocean City – Showing support with yellow and blue at our front doors. The lights on the Fellowship Commons balcony are also yellow and blue. On Sunday, March 20th, our organist Shirley Hailey played the Ukrainian national anthem at the beginning of our Holy Eucharist service. We are keeping the Ukrainians in our thoughts and prayers.
Trinity Cathedral, Easton World Peace Prayer hour continues. Trinity opens its sanctuary to the public from 3 to 4 pm every day except Sunday. Trinity Cathedral invites people of all denominations and faiths to stop by, light a candle and sit in silent prayer on behalf of world peace for however long you can, even if only 10 minutes.