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On January 4th the Diocese of Easton launched the Bishop’s Institute and Center for Creative Ministry at a Celebration Eucharist at St. Paul’s Hebron. 

Read the Bishop’s Sermon.

View Photo Gallery.

This initiative is in conformity with resolution C005 from General Convention 2018 (copied below*).

The Eucharist included a Commissioning of Officers, Board & Committee members:

Bishop’s Committee:

The Rt. Rev. Santosh Marray
XI Bishop, Diocese of Easton

The Rev. Michael Lokey
Committee on Real Property Chair

The Rev. Dr. Robert Laws,
Rector, St. Andrews Episcopal Church-Princess Anne

Ms. Chris Sabas
Deacon Postulant

Mr. Hank Phillips, Bishop’s Committee Treasurer
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church-Salisbury

The Rev. Laura Dorsey
Vicar, St. Paul’s Episcopal Center /or Creative Ministry 

The Very Rev. Michael Moyer, OGS
Rector, St. Paul’s Berlin

Bishop’s Institute Advisory Board and Officers

Mrs. Dorothy (Dee) Rinehart
Director, Bishop’s Institute

Ms. Laura McCarthy
Deacon Postulant
Associate Director, Bishop’s Institute

The Rev. Canon Dr. Daniel Dunlap, PhD
Canon Theologian

The Very Rev. Michael Moyer, OGS
Chair, Commission on Ministry

The Rev. Laura Dorsey
Vicar, St. Paul’s Episcopal Center {or Creative Ministry

The Rev. Dr. Nicholas Sichangi
Rector, Trinity-Elkton & St. Stephen’s-Earlville

Mrs. Billie Jo Russell
Senior Warden & Representative from St. Stephens

Mr. Eric Broussard
St. Stephen’s Representative

Executive Committee

Mrs. Dorothy (Dee) Rinehart
Director, Bishops Institute

Ms. Laura McCarthy
Deacon Postulant
Associate Director, Bishop’s Institute

The Rev. Laura Dorsey
Vicar, St. Paul’s Episcopal Center for Creative Ministry

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Anne Fisher
Missioner: Church Beyond the Walls
Diocesan Liaison for Creative Ministry 

*General Convention 2018- C005 Appoint Task Force to Study Implementation of Canon III.1

Resolved, that the 79th General Convention direct the President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church to appoint a Task Force on Formation and Ministry of the Baptized including members experienced in Christian formation and education, and consisting of a minimum of two bishops, five (5) priests and/or deacons and five (5) lay persons, who represent the diversity of the Church; and be it further

Resolved, that this task force identify or develop curricula, practices, and strategies that can be used by dioceses and congregations to encourage and engage all the baptized in the work of building up the church by identifying their gifts for ministry, employing their gifts for ministry, and focusing on full engagement of their ministries in daily life, work, and leisure; and be it further

Resolved, that this task force report to the 80th General Convention with recommended strategies for the affirmation, development, and exercise of ministry by all baptized persons in the areas of gifts discernment, education and training for ministry, and leadership development; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $60,000 for the implementation of this resolution.