by Joanne Fisher | Oct 10, 2018 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, General News, Images of Diocesan Life
Diocese of Easton Commemorates Founders’ Day The Episcopal Diocese of Easton turns 150 this year. The diocese was carved out of the Diocese of Maryland as a free-standing diocese in November 1868. Christian presence and witness were introduced to the state of Maryland...
by Joanne Fisher | Sep 28, 2018 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog
Bishop’s Reflection Our Sesquicentennial Observance & Diocesan Heritage Month The month of October was designated some years ago, ‘Diocesan Heritage Month’. As part of this year’s observance we are commemorating, Tuesday, October 9, “Diocesan Founders’ Day”...
by Joanne Fisher | Sep 20, 2018 | Announcement, Diocesan Convention
Nominations Open for Diocese of Easton Sesquicentennial Awards The Sesquicentennial Honoree Subcommittee invites nominations of worthy lay members of the Episcopal Diocese of Easton to be recognized with a special award of service to be presented by Bishop Santosh...
by Joanne Fisher | Sep 17, 2018 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog
Once again we are bearing witness to the devastating effects of a hurricane – this time as it crosses over South Carolina and North Carolina. Please know that we are in regular communication with those Diocese effected, via networks set up through Episcopal Relief and...
by Joanne Fisher | Aug 21, 2018 | Announcement, General News
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Your Diocesan Recovery Ministry committee invites you to recognize the role of the church in ministering to those who have been affected by the disease of addiction. September is National Recovery Month. It is designated as a time...