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UTO Representatives and Clergy,

Sisters and brothers in Christ, I have sad news to share.  Margaret Schul, who was the Diocese UTO Coordinator for 18 gratitude-filled years, passed away in early October.  If you are so inclined to make a donation to UTO Memorial Trust Fund in her name the address is UTO/DFMS-Protestant Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 958983, St. Louis, MO  63195-8983.  Please make your gift payable to DFMS and add “In memory of Margaret Schul” in the memo line.

Fall is upon us and that means it is time to start thinking about your fall In-Gatherings.  November is a great time for an In-Gathering at your parish.

Where to send your In-Gatherings: United Thank Offering, c/o Charlotte Meyer, St. Paul’s Church, P.O. Box 141 Trappe, MD 21673.

Where to order UTO Boxes and Offering Envelopes: (928)729-5540.  UTO Boxes and envelopes are available for a nominal fee and you will need to pay for shipping.  If you are running low and need supplies fast please give me a call.

Put gifts into the Blue Box with thanksgiving, prayer, and generosity.  Take blessings out of the Box for grants extending the Church’s faithfulness to God’s mission.

Blessings to you and yours for a wonderful spring,

Charlotte Meyer
(301)520-5439 Cell

PLEASE NOTE:  All Ingathering offerings should be made payable to: UNITED THANK OFFERING

ALSO:  If your UTO Representative has changed, please let me know.  And, if you can be reached via email as opposed to regular mail, please let me know that too.  I hope to save a few trees by sending notices by email where ever possible.  Thanks for your help in that regard.