Celebrating the diversity of God’s image in humanity and all Creation and advocating for the right of each person to be fully human.
We serve as the Diocesan resource and focal point for diversity awareness learning and experiential opportunities.

Engaging the Conversation is One Step Away…
The Diversity Awareness Commission of the Diocese of Easton is supporting and resourcing local initiatives in our parishes that encourage conversation across divides. Select from our three partnering initiatives below or send us a proposal for an alternative program and we will see if we can assist you. This includes providing monies, materials, trainers, hosts, or all-inclusive depending on your needs. Please email us for more information.
Difference Course - Lent 2024
On Zoom in February/March!
First Five Thursdays in Lent
February 15 – March 14th
The Difference Course Initiative
The Diversity Awareness Commission is partnering in the Difference movement founded out of England by Archbishop Justin Welby and RLN (Reconciling Leaders Network). We are inviting parishes across the Diocese to engage in the movement. Email us if you are interested in hearing more or hosting the 5-week course in your parish or community. We look forward to chatting with you!
Sacred Ground Circles
Sacred Ground is a ten week course offered by a variety of entities around the Diocese and the country. It is a sensitive, prayerful resource that creates space for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue on race and racism. It invites participants to walk back through history in order to peel away the layers that brought us to today, reflecting on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story. Email us if you are interested in hearing more or hosting the 10-session course in your parish or community. We look forward to chatting with you!
Catherine Meek’s Video Series
In the Fall of 2021 the Diocese of Easton hosted Dr. Catherine Meeks at our Annual Fall Summit. Her words were inspiring and are available for personal or community study through our website. Dr. Meeks is the Founding Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing and Wesleyan College’s retired Clara Carter Acree Distinguished Professor of Socio-cultural Studies and Sociology. She is the author of seven books, the most recent of which is Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time, co-written by Nibs Stroupe in 2019.
About the Diversity Awareness Commission
Bishop Santosh Murray created the Diocese of Easton’s Diversity Awareness Commission in 2018 to identify ways for the Diocese of Easton to address “…the issue of diversity awareness across the spectrum of human sensibility…in an intentional, reconciliatory and loving manner” to include racial reconciliation and the awareness of suffering caused by economic, education and social class differences, gender identity, and physical or intellectual differences. The Commission’s vision is celebrating the diversity of God’s image in us and all Creation and advocating for the right of each person to be fully human. Our mission is to serve as a Diocesan resource and focal point for diversity awareness learning and experiential opportunities.
Run the Difference Course!
We would love to partner with you to offer a Difference Course in your community. On Zoom or In-Person.
Commission Members:
- Jim Block – Emmanuel – Chestertown
- Jim Kamihachi – St. Mark’s – Perryville
- Kevin Cross – Holy Trinity – Oxford
- Vic Evans – St. Alban’s – Salisbury
- Peggy Samuels – Shrewsbury – Kennedyville
- Bishop Santosh Marray – Diocesan Office
- Joanne Fisher – Diocesan Office
When God formed the universe out of the cosmic dust, God’s image became manifest in all creation, including humankind, the flora and fauna and other forms of life, and the fragile earth. The mystery and glory of God surrounds us, if we choose to see it. And when we see that image of God in all of its perfection and diversity, we cannot help but love it.
Chairperson, Diversity Awareness Commission