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Episcopal Relief and Development Sunday
Day of Pentecost May 20, 2018

I am delighted to advise that I am designating Sunday May 20th, 2018 as Episcopal Relief and Development Sunday.  We are mindful that on the Feast of Pentecost the church was founded by the Holy Spirit – a monumental life changing or life-giving event for the world. Episcopal Relief and Development is a life changing, life-giving ministry of the Episcopal Church. The Diocese of Easton has been a beneficiary of this ministry on several occasions and so have many other dioceses across the global Anglican Communion. Episcopal Relief and Development is both a global and national entity of the Episcopal Church’s partnership with the world and our neighborhood across the USA.

The work of ER&D as it is affectionately known across the church is well documented and recognized, especially in its timely response to situations of natural disaster. In the wider communion it is known for its work in deprived and challenging areas of the world struggling with health care issues, clean portable water, economic sustainability, asset-based community development and many other areas affecting human needs. Episcopal Relief and Development is oftentimes the first and only relief agency around when the spotlight is removed from a place that had undergone tragic and disastrous crises.

I strongly endorse and support the work of this humanitarian mission and encourage the family of the Diocese of Easton to use the Sunday of Pentecost to highlight its work and invite everyone to give generously to this noble effort. Also, I urge you to visit its website for more information on the overall ministry undertaken by ER & D (

As your friend and bishop, I am confident that this generous and caring diocese will supersede all expectations in our response.

Every blessing and God bless you all!

XI Bishop of Easton