Inaugural Class of 2024 Graduation!
Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 11:00AM.
Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish in Easton, MD
The Diocese of Easton is excited to announce the Graduation of our First Class of IONA Collaborative students. Eight students have completed the three years of coursework as required through the Seminary of the Southwest and under the guidance of local Professor Rev. Dan Dunlap – Stephanie Clayville, Joanne Fisher, Lynda Habel, Chris Sabas, Kelsey Spiker, Jessica Stehle, Michael Valliant, Lynn Wiljanen. The Service and Ceremony took place on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish in Easton, MD as we celebrated together this pioneering achievement!

The Diocese of Easton has joined the Iona Collaborative to offer Iona Eastern Shore. This is a collaborative project of eighteen plus Episcopal Dioceses in conjunction with the Seminary of the Southwest and the Iona School for Ministry of the Diocese of Texas. The collaborative provides high-quality theological education for student formation of deacons and non-stipendiary or bi-vocational priests locally.
For more information from the Iona Initiative website, use the following links: