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News & Events

News from in and around the Diocese of Easton.

Philadelphia Eleven Screening & Discussion

Additional Seating Now Available... Since we have had such an overwhelming response to our upcoming showing of The Philadelphia Eleven movie being shown on July 28th, we have obtained an additional theatre! Please register below by July 23rd! Diocese of Easton...

Bishop’s Blog – Bishop’s Sabbatical Resumption

Dear Diocesan Family, It is with a grateful heart and thankful spirit that I write to inform the diocesan family of plans for the continuation of my sabbatical leave, which was terminated last August 2023 due to unanticipated reasons - Lynn Anstatt, the Bishop's...

Bishop’s Easter Message 2024

Bishop’s Easter Message “ …but go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you” (St. Mark 16:7) The joyous proclamation of Christ’s Resurrection, resounded by the angel in the Gospel message (Mark...