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Shorebirds-Breast Cancer Pink Hat Giveaway Night
Thursday, May 17th – $11
Carpool from St. Michaels & Easton

Hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn and…a PINK HAT!
Join your ONES friends and catch a Shorebirds game on Monday, May 17th.

We will carpool and have two pick up points. Christ Church in St. Michaels and the WalMart parking lot, close to the garden center. Tickets are $11 each, and food/drinks will be on your own.

We will divide up folks that want to stay for the whole game, and those that might want to leave a bit earlier. Call Lori if you can drive or for more details on carpooling at 919-428-0973.

We need to buy tickets, so please RSVP as soon as possible!  

4:30PM pick-up from Christ Church

5:00 PM pick-up from WalMart

7:05 PM Game Time