by Joanne Fisher | Jun 13, 2022 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, Diocesan-Wide Event, Formation, General News
Revisioning the Neighborhood Parish : Focus Groups (Parousia VIII) During the Diocesan Convention 2022, Bishop San encouraged parishes to convene focus groups. “As churches begin to conceive regathering models, I am advising Diocesan Convention to direct...
by Joanne Fisher | Apr 6, 2022 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, Covid 19, Diocesan-Wide Event, General News
Bishop’s Pastoral Advisory Common Cup The Sacrament of Holy Communion is one of the principal sacraments of this church instituted by our Lord on Maundy Thursday. As we are reminded in our sacramental formation it forms one of the historic traditions and practices of...
by Joanne Fisher | Apr 6, 2022 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, Diocesan-Wide Event, General News
CRISIS IN THE UKRAINE – BISHOP’S APPEAL Bishop Marray requests donations for the on-going efforts for the crisis in the war-torn Ukraine. Your immediate support will help Episcopal Relief & Development and other Anglican partners provide humanitarian...
by Joanne Fisher | Mar 2, 2022 | Announcement, Diocesan-Wide Event, General News
Volunteer Opportunities for General ConventionJuly 7th to July 14th in Baltimore, MD General Convention is the gathering of the entire Episcopal Church. It is very similar to our annual parish meetings and to our annual diocesan conventions in that it is the time when...
by Joanne Fisher | Mar 2, 2022 | Announcement, Diocesan-Wide Event, General News
Make support of Episcopal Relief & Development Part of Lent 2022 Congregations are encouraged to observe Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on the first Sunday in Lent or another convenient Sunday. Liturgical resources are available at...
by Joanne Fisher | Mar 2, 2022 | Announcement, Bishop's Blog, Diocesan Convention, Diocesan-Wide Event, General News
Prayer for the People of Ukraine and Peace in Europe Our faith teaches us that we must stand with the vulnerable and the oppressed. And at the same time, our faith teaches us that we are meant to be followers of the prince of peace, of the one who taught us...